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De cate ori nu v-a lovit pofta de dulce, da crunt, asa, din senin? :)) Eu una stiu cum e si recunosc ca nu am timp si chef mereu sa ma apuc sa fac vreo prajitura. Dar nici nu vreau sa cumpar prostii din comert, mai ales acum in sarcina. Ei bine, acest desert super rapid ma salveaza mereu, se face intr-un minut si e foarte sanatos :)

Ingrediente (1 portie):

Ungem banana cu unt de arahide, presaram semintele de canepa si picuram miere deasupra. Si un praf de scortisoara la final, pentru un plus de aroma. Asa-i ca ati pacalit glicemia? Sa nu va mai aud de acum ca nu aveti timp sa gatiti ceva dulce bun :)

*Baby friendly: omiteti nucile intregi sau maruntiti-le foarte bine (sub 4 ani reprezinta pericol de inec); Folositi, optional, putin sirop de artar sau miere, avand in vedere faptul ca mierea se ofera copiilor numai dupa varsta de 1 an, cu masura.


How many times has that sugar craving struck you so badly, out of the blue? :)) I sure know how that feels like and I must admit I don’t always have time to bake a cake. But I don’t want to buy some junk food either, especially now that I’m pregnant. Well, this super fast dessert always comes to the rescue. It’s so simple, you literally prepare it in 1 minute and it’s also very healthy :)

Ingredients (1 serving):

  • 1 banana
  • 1 tbsp natural peanut butter (or almond, hazelnut, cashew butter)
  • 1 tsp honey (or maple, agave syrup)
  • 1 tbsp hemp seeds (or chopped walnuts, raw pistachio, coconut flakes, sesame seeds)
  • 1 pinch of cinnamon

Spread the peanut butter on the banana, sprinkle hemp seeds and drizzle honey on top. In the end, add a pinch of cinnamon, for the extra flavor. We sure tricked the sugar level, haven’t we? From now on I don’t wanna hear you say you don’t have time to prepare a sweet healthy treat :)

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