Un desert dulce si aromat, banal de simplu, ideal in dupa-amiezile racoroase de toamna: ananas la cuptor. E minunat cu frisca de cocos, iaurt grecesc sau inghetata de vanilie :)

Ingrediente (2 portii):

Curatam ananasul si il taiem rondele, avand grija sa ii pastram zeama :) Asezam rondelele intr-o tava termorezistenta si incepem sa adaugam: zaharul de cocos, sucul de portocala, romul si zeama de la fructul de ananas.

Despicam pastaia de vanilie in doua pe lung, ii scoatem semintele si o azvarlim si pe ea in sos. La final presaram deasupra o mana de chipsuri de cocos si coacem bunatatea aceasta cam 20, maxim 30 de minute, in functie de cuptor, pana se rumeneste puuutin. Senzationala! :)


A sweet perfumed dessert, incredibly simple, perfect for the autumn chilly afternoons: roasted pineapple. It’s great with coconut whipped cream, greek yogurt or vanilla ice-cream :)

Ingredients (2 servings):

  • 1 large sweet pineapple
  • 2 tbsp coconut sugar (or brown sugar)
  • a vanilla bean
  • juice from 1 large orange
  • 2 tbsp rum
  • 25 g coconut chips

Peel the pineapple and slice it, making sure you keep the juice :) Place the pineapple rings on a baking tray and start to add: coconut sugar, orange juice, rum and pineapple juice. Split the vanilla bean in 2 lengthwise and scrape down the seeds, then add the seeds and pod to the sauce.

Sprinkle a handful of coconut chips and bake this beauty for 20-30 min, depending on the oven, until it turns slightly brownish on the edges. Sensational! :)

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