Din gama reinventam bucataria traditionala romaneasca :) am pregatit azi niste ardei deliciosi umpluti cu muulte legume si fasole Mung. Pai ce atata orez, sa mai variem si noi, nu? :) In plus de asta, fasolea Mung are o gramada de beneficii, echilibreaza colesterolul, glicemia, contine proteine, acid folic, fier… Si nu ca ma laud, dar ardeii mei umpluti au iesit buni rau :)
- 6 ardei grasi galbeni
- 200g fasole Mung pusa la inmuiat cu 1 seara inainte
- 2 morcovi
- 1 ceapa rosie, 1 ceapa alba
- 1 radacina de pastarnac
- 3 lg ulei de masline
- 1 cub de supa bio
- 3 lg fulgi de drojdie inactiva
- 500ml suc natural de rosii
- 1/2 legatura patrunjel
Spalam bine ardei, ii curatam de samburi si cotor. Ne apucam de umplutura: fierbem fasolea Mung pana e aldente (cam 30 de min). Tocam marunt ceapa, morcovii, pastarnacul si amestecam legumele cu fasolea Mung, uleiul de masline si fulgii de drojdie inactiva.
Umplem ardeii cu acest amestec, ii punem intr-o cratita rotunda, turnam peste ei sosul de rosii si apa cat e necesar sa fie acoperiti la limita :) Adaugam si cubul de supa in sos, va da o savoare grozava. Introducem vasul in cuptor la foc mare si asteptam sa se rumeneasca frumos. Cam 35 de minute i-am tinut eu. Servim cu patrunjel proaspat deasupra. Pofta mare!
For the reinvented traditional Romanian cuisine series, today I prepared some delicious Mung beans stuffed bell peppers. I’ve had enough of rice, let’s explore other versions, right? :) Besides, Mung beans has lots of benefits, it balances cholesterol, blood sugar level, it contains protein, folic acid, iron… And not that I’m bragging, but my stuffed bell peppers turned out absolutely yummy :)
- 6 yellow bell peppers
- 200 g Mung beans, soaked from the night before
- 2 carrots
- 1 red onion, 1 onion
- 1 parsnip
- 3 tbsp olive oil lg
- 1 vegetable stock cube
- 3 tbsp inactive yeast flakes
- 500 ml natural tomato juice
- 1/2 bunch of parsley
Wash the bell peppers, cut off their tops and scoop out the insides and seeds. Start preparing the filling: boil the Mung beans until it’s aldente (about 30 min).Finely chop the carrots, onions and parsnip and mix the vegetables with the beans, olive oil and yeast flakes.
Stuff the bell peppers with this filling, put them in a pot, pour the tomato sauce over them and water enough for them to be covered. Add the stock cub, it will give a wonderful flavor. Put the pot in the oven and bake until nice and brownish. I baked mine for about 35 min. Serve with fresh parsley on top. Enjoy!