Azi va propun o bunatate de aripioare cu sos lipicios, mega yummy: aripioare de pui la multicooker. Se fac imediat si sunt mega adorate, chiar daca te murdaresti pe degete cand le mananci :))) Ca de obicei, apelez la iubitul meu multicooker Crockpot Express cand vreau sa gatesc ceva bun si RAPID, fara bataie de cap :)


  • 1 kg aripioare de pui
  • 1 lg ulei de masline
  • 1 lgt sare
  • 1 lgt boia dulce
  • 1 lgt pudra de usturoi
  • 1/2 lgt piper macinat
  • 200ml suc de rosii
  • 1 lg sos sriracha
  • 3 lg sos barbecue
  • 2 lg unt topit
  • 2 lg miere

Nu uitati ca inca este Black Friday la CrockPot Romania! O ocazie super buna pentru a achizitiona un ajutor de nadejdie de la Crockpot :) Iar iubitul meu multicooker CrockPot Express are un pret WOW, il gasiti AICI, spor la cumparaturi si la gatit! :)

Amestecam bine condimentele: sarea, boiaua, piperul, pudra de usturoi. Mozolim bine aripioarele cu acest amestec de condimente, apoi le rumenim in uleiul incins in vasul multicookerului, pe Brown/Saute, 10 minute, pana se „bronzeaza” puuutin :)

Separat amestecam ingredientele pentru sos: sucul de rosii, sosul srircha (gustati sa il potriviti de iuteala, punand mai mult sau mai putin), sosul barbecue, untul topit si mierea. Turnam totul peste aripioare, punem capacul, il rotim spre pozitia Inchis, rotim si valva de presiune spre pozitia Inchis.

Setam aparatul 7 minute pe Manual, High pressure. Dupa ce timpul s-a scurs, punem un prosop de bucatarie pe capac, rotim cu grija valva de presiune spre pozitia deschis, folosind o spatula. Dupa ce nu se mai aude nici un fasait, deschidem capacul. Servim aripioarele calde cu sosul din vas strecurat si putina verdeata deasupra. Pofta mare!

Alte retete la CrockPot Express gasesti aici.


I’ve got a super yummy recipe for you today, pressure cooker chicken wings. They are super quick to make and everyone loves them, even if you really get your fingers dirty while eating them :))) As usual, my beloved does the work for me :)


  • 1 kg chicken wings
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp sweet paprika
  • 1 tps garlic powder
  • 1/2 tsp ground pepper
  • 200 ml tomato juice
  • 1 tbsp sriracha
  • 3 tbsp barbecue sauce
  • 2 tbsp melted butter
  • 2 tbsp honey

Mix well all the spices in a bowl: salt, paprika, pepper, garlic powder. Coat the wings very well in this spice mix, then sauté them in the pressure cooker on Brown/Saute, 10 minutes, until they get just a little „tanned” :)

Separately mix the dressing ingredients: tomato juice, sriracha (taste to adjust the spiciness), barbecue sauce, melted butter and honey. Pour over the wings, mix well. Put the pressure cooker lid on, rotate to closed, rotate the pressure valve to closed, too.

Set the pressure cooker on Manual, High pressure for 7 minutes. Once the time’s up, put a cloth on the lid and carefully rotate the pressure valve to Open position. When there is no more hissing, open the lid, serve the wings hot with the strained sauce and freshly chopped herbs. Enjoy!

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