De 8 martie voiam sa fac ceva cu ciocolata, insa de dimineata Ilinca m-a rugat sa ii fac bascute cu branza si stafide ca la gradi :) Si va dati seama ca m-am si anume topit si conformat :)) Eu le-am umplut cu telemea desarata bine si mozarella rasa, dar puteti folosi o branza de vaci grasa ;) Si neaparat sa le ungeti cu ou ca ies si mai frumoase. Hai La multi ani, ladies! :)
Ingrediente (16 buc):
- 500g faina
- 200ml lapte 3.5%
- 100g unt
- 10g drojdie uscata (1 pliculet)
- 4 lg miere/sirop de artar (sau alt indulcitor natural, dupa gust si preferinte)
- 2 oua
- 1 lgt extract de vanilie
- 1 lgt rom* sau esenta de rom
- 1 ou pentru uns
- 300g branza*
- 3 lg miere/sirop de artar (sau alt indulcitor natural, dupa gust si preferinte)
- 2 oua
- 80g stafide
- 3 lg gris
- coaja rasa de la 1 lamaie
- 1 lgt extract de vanilie
- 1 lgt rom* sau esenta de rom
Incalzim laptele putin de tot, cat sa fie calai, nu fierbinte. Il punem intr-un bol cu drojdia si 2 linguri de faina, amestecam bine si lasam compozitia 15 min, sa faca bule :)
Adaugam faina peste amestecul de drojdie si incepem sa framantam, folosind robotul de bucatarie cu carligul pentru aluat. Adaugam si ouale, mierea (sau indulcitorul folosit), untul moale (la temperatura camerei), vanilia, romul si framantam bine totul, pana aluatul e neted si elastic.
Il transferam pe o suprafata pudrata cu faina, ii dam o forma rotunda si il punem intr-un bol uns cu ulei si acoperit cu folie sa creasca aprox 1 ora.
Pentru umplutura amestecam cu o lingura toate ingredientele: branza faramitata, ouale, grisul, indulcitorul, stafidele, coaja de lamaie, vanilia, romul. Intindem aluatul intr-o foaie groasa si decupam cerculete cu 1 pahar, mie mi-au iesit 16 bucati. Le asezam pe o tava si le lasam sa creasca 10 min, apoi le creem un spatiu inauntru, folosind o lingura sau degetele.
Impartim compozitia in centrul celor 16 bascute. Ungeti marginile cu ou, eu nu am avut si bascutele mele nu au capatat culoarea aceea superba :( Coacem bascutele 30 de min in cuptorul preincalzit la 180C, pana se rumenesc frumos, cu ventilatia pornita in ultimele 5 min. Bune rau! :)
* Eu am folosit telemea desarata si mozarella rasa, puteti folosi branza grasa de vaci. Daca folositi rom sa stiti ca alcoolul se duce la gatit, nu e pericol pentru copii :) Dar il puteti omite daca nu va simtiti confortabil cu asta.
I was going to prepare a chocolate dessert for the 8th of March, but Ilinca asked me this morning to make sweet cheese mini pies :) And you can imagine I listened to my girl’s wish :)) I filled them with desalted fresh cheese and grated mzzarela, but you can fill them with fat cottage cheese. Happy 8th of March, ladies!
Ingredients (16 pcs):
- 500 g flour
- 200 ml milk 3.5% fat
- 100 g butter
- 10 g dry yeast (1 sachet)
- 4 tbsp honey/ maple syrup (or other natural sweetener, to taste)
- 2 eggs
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- 1 tbsp rum* or rum essence
- 1 egg for the topping
- 300 g fresh cheese*
- 3 tbsp honey/ maple syrup (or other natural sweetener, to taste)
- 2 eggs
- 80 g raisins
- 3 tbsp semolina
- zest of 1 lemon
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- 1 tbsp rum* or rum essence
Heat the milk until lukewarm (not hot!) and place in a bowl with the yeast and 2 tablespoons of flour, mix well and let it sit for 15 min, until bubbly :)
Add the flour in the yeast mix and start kneading, using a stand mixer with the dough hook. Add also the eggs, honey, softened butter (at room temperature), vanilla, rum and knead everything well until the dough is smooth and elastic.
Transfer onto a surface dusted with flour, knead into a round shape. Place in a bowl greased with oil, wrap in clingfilm and let it rise for 1 hour.
For the filling mix all the ingredients with a spoon: crumbled cheese, eggs, semolina, sweetener, raisins, lemon zest, vanilla and rum. Roll the dough in a thick layer and cut out circles using a cup, I got 16 pieces. Let them rise for 10 min, then make a hole in the center, using your fingers or a spoon.
Divide the filling in the center of the 16 pies. Grease the dough edges with egg yolk, I didn’t have any and my pies did not turn out so golden brown :( Bake them in the preheated oven at 180C for about 30 min, with the ventilation on in the last 5 min. So yummy! :)