Ce faci cand ai o minunata rinita acuta de la mansarda in curs de amenajare? Experimente culinare :))))) Cu o sexy masca anti praf pe fata am facut niste minunate batoane cu ciocolata si naut, fara gluten, fara zahar alb, vegane si de-men-ti-a-le la gust! :) Si arata fantastic, fix ca batoanele Mars, nu ziceti? :)
Ingrediente (12 batoane):
- 250g naut fiert (1 conserva)
- 200ml crema de cocos
- 3 lg fulgi de cocos
- 3 lg cacao
- 3 lg miere (sau indulcitorul preferat)
- 1/2 lgt pudra de vanilie
- 1 lg lucuma (optional)
- 2 lg seminte de in
- 150g ciocolata neagra fara zahar
- 2 lg ulei de cocos
Scurgem nautul si mixam bine toate ingredientele in blenderul de mare putere sau robotul de bucatarie pana obtinem o compozitie omogena. Tapetam o forma de chec cu folie alimentara si presam compozitia bine in ea.
O introducem in congelator cam 2 ore, pana se intareste si batoanele pot fi taiate frumos. Taiem batoanele dupa formele dorite, nici nu trebuie sa fie perfecte, dupa cum se vede, glazura acopera perfect orice imprefectiune :)
Pentru glazura topim la bain marie ciocolata si uleiul de cocos. Scufundam batoanele reci in aceasta glazura pana o terminam. Glazura se va intari repede, batoanele fiind reci, e super fun procesul :) Pastram batoanele in frigider. Fara modestie va spun ca sunt geniale! :) Pofta mare! :)
*Reteta preluata si adaptata de aici.
What do you do when you’ve got yourself a lovely acute rhinitis from the attic redesign? Experiments in the kitchen :)) I made these lovely chocolate chickpea bars, gluten free, refined sugar free, vegan, packet with nutrients and sooo tasty :) And they look just amazing, don’t they? :)
Ingredients (12 bars):
- 250 g cooked chickpea (1 can)
- 200 ml coconut cream
- 3 tbsp desiccated coconut
- 3 tbsp cocoa
- 3 tbsp honey (or favorite sweetener)
- 1/2 tsp vanilla powder
- 1 tbsp lucuma (optional)
- 2 tbsp flax seed
- 150 g sugar free dark chocolate
- 2 tbsp coconut oil
Drain the chickpeas and blend with the rest of the ingredients for the bars until smooth. Line a rectangular pan with clingfilm and press well the mixture onto the pan.
Place in the freezer for about 2 hours, until hard enough to cut nicely. Cut out he desired shapes, they don’t have too be perfect, the chocolate topping will cover all imperfections :)
For the topping melt the chocolate and coconut oil over a pot of hot water. Dip the bars in the chocolate topping, it will become hard fast when touching the cold bars, it’s really cool :) Store the bars in the fridge. They’re yummy! :)