In aceasta reteta nu se vor face discriminari intre Twix-ul stang si Twix-ul drept :)) Ambele sunt la fel de bune: batoane de ciocolata si caramel, vegane, guilt-free si absolut dementiale! :) Ingredientele sunt pt 8 batoane, atatea au iesit, na, 4 Twix :)) Recomand sa mancat doar cate 1, sunt foate calorice si satioase, iar legat de aspect, nu sunt ele ca de revista, dar va garantez ca merita sa le faceti, sunt un deliciu! :)




Stratul de biscuit: amestecam faina de migdale si faina de cocos cu uleiul de cocos si mierea. Obtinem un aluat faramicios si lipicios pe care il presam bine in forme de silicon. Eu am folosit forme dreptunghiulare pt batoane (inclusiv aceasta de la Carturesti, The Chocolate Diet :D), dar puteti folosi orice forme de silicon aveti, chiar si de briose. Introducem formele in congelator pana se intaresc si pot fi scosi cu usurinta biscuitii.

Pentru caramel punem pe foc intr-un ibric mic, pitic :) pasta de tahini si mierea si aducem la punctul de fierbere, amestecand constant, pana se ingroasa suficient. Il lasam la racit 5 min, apoi il intindem pe biscuiti. Introducem batoanele in congelator 30 de min.

Preparam invelisul de ciocolata astfel: topim ciocolata si uleiul de cocos la bain-marie, asteptand pana compozitia capata o consistenta mai groasa, de smantana, apoi picuram glazura pe batoane si le mai introducem 15 min in congelator. Pofta mare!


These vegan chocolate caramel bars are totally guilt-free and so amazing! The ingredients are for 8 bars, they didn’t turn out too pretty, but I guarantee they’re worth making :)


  • 100 g almond flour
  • 40 g coconut flour
  • 3-4 tbsp coconut oil
  • 2 tbsp honey


  • 75 g tahini
  • 75 g honey


  • 150g sugar free dark chocolate
  • 2 tbsp coconut oil

Cookie: mix the almond flour, coconut flour, coconut oil and honey. The dough we get will be sticky and crumbly, press it onto the bottom of silicone bar molds. You can use even muffin silicone cases. Place in the freezer to firm up.

For the caramel place the tahini and honey in a small pot and bring to a boil. Simmer for about 5-7 min, until a thick caramel forms. Let it cool for 5 min, then spread over the cookies. Place the bars in the freezer again for 30 min.

Prepare the chocolate layer: melt the chocolate and coconut oil over a pot of simmering water, whisk well until there are no more lumps. Wait for the mixture to thicken a little, then drizzle over the bars and place them in the freezer for 15 more min. Enjoy!

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