Batoanele proteice sunt o gustare excelenta cand sunteti pe drum, va energizeaza si satisfac si pofta de dulce in mod natural, guilt-free :) Sigur ca e mai comod sa le cumperi, dar cand le faci tu singur in bucataria ta, stii ce pui in ele, iar diferenta de pret se simte in portofel :) Am pregatit azi cu ajutorul produselor minunate My Protein batoane proteice cu migdale si canepa, un deliciu! Si nici nu necesita robot de bucatarie :)

Ingrediente (8 portii):

Amestecam foarte bine toate ingredientele, mai putin cele pentru topping. Punem compozitia in forme de silicon, eu am folosit forme patrate (si mi-au iesit 16 patratele = 8 portii), dar puteti folosi orice forme de silicon aveti. Introducem batoanele la rece.

Pentru glazura amestecam la bain-marie (deasupra unui vas cu apa fierbinte) ciocolata amaruie cu putin sirop de artar. Decoram batoanele cu ciocolata topita si le introducem din nou in frigider. Le puteti cufunda complet in glazura, puteti picura putina ciocolata peste ele sau le puteti savura goale :) Pofta mare!

Galerie foto


Protein bars are an excellent snack on the road, they give you energy and satisfy your sweet tooth in a healthy way. Sure it’s easier to buy them, but the best are the ones you make in your own kitchen. And they’re a real money saver. Today I made super delicious almond hemp protein bars using My Protein products :)

Ingredients (8 servings):

  • 150 g almond butter
  • 50 g coconut oil
  • 4-5 tbsp maple syrup (to taste)
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 40 g coconut flour
  • 50 g hemp seeds
  • 50 g dark chocolate, 2 tbsp maple syrup (topping)

Just mix well all the ingredients, except the one for the topping. Press the mixture in silicone molds, I used small squares ones and got 16 squares = 8 servings. You can use any silicone molds you have. Place in the fridge to set.

For the topping mix over a pot of hot water the chocolate and maple syrup. Decorate the bars with the topping and place in the fridge again. You can cover them in chocolate, just drizzle some over them or eat them plain :) Enjoy!

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