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Imi place mult sa experimentez in bucatarie, sa jonglez cu ingredientele, iar zilele acestea am descoperit un duet tare de tot: cocos si merisoare :) Nici nu va trebuie robot de bucatarie sa le faceti. Batoane raw cu cocos si merisoare :)

Ingrediente (6 batoane):

Amestecam uleiul de cocos, siropul de agave si laptele de migdale, apoi turnam treptat acest amestec intr-un bol in care am pus cele 2 tipuri de faina. Potrivim de dulce gustand.

Presam compozitia obtinuta intr-o casoleta dreptunghiulara tapetata cu folie alimentara, o introducem in coneglator, iar cand s-a intarit suficient taiem frumos batoanele. Inainte de servire intindem cu un cutit lat crema de cocos pe batoane si asezam frumos merisoare deasupra. Pofta mare! :)


I like to experiment in the kitchen and these days I discovered a super cool duet: coconut and cranberry :) You don’t even need a food processor to make these yummy raw coconut cranberry bars :)

Ingredients (6 bars):

  • 100 g coconut flour
  • 50 g almond flour
  • 2 tbsp coconut oil
  • 3 lg agave syrup (or favorite sweetener to taste)
  • 150 ml almond milk
  • 100 ml coconut cream
  • 50 g dried cranberries

Combine the coconut oil, agave syrup and almond milk, then pour this mixture in a bowl over the 2 types of flour. Taste to set the sweetness. Press the dough on the bottom of a rectangular dish lined with cling film and place in the freezer to set. Cut out the bars, spread coconut cream on them and sprinkle dried cranberries. Enjoy! :)

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