Azi va prezint un desert de casa mega extra super delicios pentru care ma veti iubi: bezele moi cu miere. Sunt senzationale, pufoase, moi, gumate, perfecte in ciocolata calda, ca decoratiune pe torturi, inmuiate in ciocolata topita sau pur si simplu mancate goale, Yummmmm! Si din doar 4 ingrediente naturale, nu mai zic si ca o gelatina de calitate aduce si beneficii pentru piele, par si unghii, datorita colagenului :)
Ingrediente (12 portii):
- 1 cana de miere (357g)
- 1 cana de apa plata (250ml)
- 3 lg gelatina (30g)
- 1 lgt extract de vanilie
- 4 lg faina de cocos pentru pudrat
Punem gelatina la inmuiat in 125ml de apa. Punem mierea si apa ramasa (125ml) pe foc intr-o craticioara. Dupa ce ajunge la punctul de fierbere, lasam totul sa fiarba la foc mic timp de aprox 8-9 min, amestecand din cand in cand, cand se umfla toata treaba :)
Acum: puteti folosi fie un termometru de bucatarie (si verificati ca siropul sa atinga temperatura de 115 grade C), fie testul cu apa: atunci cand o picatura din sirop cade intr-un pahar cu apa rece si formeaza o biluta maleabila, siropul e gata.
Batem gelatina hidratata cu mixerul, apoi adaugam si siropul de miere, putin cate putin. Dupa ce il adaugam pe tot, crestem viteza si mixam compozitia cam 10-12 min la viteza maxima, pana obtinem o spuma fina si lucioasa. Adaugam si vanilia la final, mixand pana o incorporam si pe aceasta.
Turnam compozitia intr-o forma patrata (15*15 cm) unsa cu putin ulei si tapetata cu hartie de copt si pudrata cu faina de cocos. Nivelam totul si lasam forma la temperatura camerei timp de 1 ora, pana se intareste.
Pudram suprafata cu faina de cocos si taiem cuburi bezelele, cu un cutit bine ascutit. Presaram faina de cocos peste cuburi, unele laturi sunt lipicioase :) Deci, pofta mare la cele mai bune marshmallows facute in casa!
*Reteta preluata de aici
Today I’ve the most amazing treat for you, you’ll love me for it: honey marshmallows. They’re absolutely sensational, so fluffy and perfect in hot cocoa, with melted chocolate, as decoir for cakes or eaten plain, just like that. Yummy! And made only from 4 natural ingredients, not to mention that a good brand of gelatin also brings health benefits for the skin, hair and nails, thanks to the collagen :)
Ingredients (12 servings):
- 1 cup of honey (357 g)
- 1 cup of water (250 ml)
- 3 tbsp gelatin (30 g)
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- 4 tbsp coconut flour for dusting
Soak the gelatin in 125 ml of water. Set over medium heat in a saucepan the honey and remaining water. Bring to a boil, stirring from time to time when it gets too bubbly :)
Now you can use either the cooking thermometer (and check that it goes up to 115 degrees C) or the soft ball stage: when a drop of syrup falls into cold water it forms a soft ball.
Using a stand mixer whisk the soaked gelatin, then add the honey syrup, little by little. When you’ve poured the entire syrup, set the mixer speed to high and whisk for about 10-12 min, until fluffy and silky.
Pour the mixture in a square pan (15*15 cm), greased with oil lined with baking paper and dusted with coconut flour. Level it and let it chill at room temperature for 1 hour.
Powder the surface with more coconut flour and cut into cubes, using a sharp knife. Powder coconut flour on all sides, some are sticky :) Enjoy the best ever homemade marshmallows! :)