Dupa cum v-ati prins de la ultimele mele retete, de ceva vreme am ramas fara faina de migdale :)) Asa ca tot experimentez retete cu faina de cocos. Azi am facut niste geniali biscuiti cu faina de cocos si branza, foarte savurosi, si foarte PUFOSI! Sunt wow, merita incercat sau salvat in Pinterest pentru mai tarziu :) (14 buc a cate 0g carbs net si 126 cal)
Ingrediente (14 buc):
- 4 oua
- 100g unt
- 50g faina de cocos
- 30g faina de in
- 2 lg tarate de psyllium
- 100g emmentaler ras
- 1/2 lgt sare
- 1/2 lgt praf de copt
- sare, chimen pt topping
Batem ouale, topim untul si il racim putin. Amestecam intr-un bol toate ingredientele, omogenizand bine totul cu o spatula. Puteti folosi si mozzarella sau cascaval ras in loc de emmentaler. Modelam 14 bilute pe care le asezam pe o tava tapetata cu hartie de copt.
Le aplatizam usor, dandu-le o forma de biscuit, presaram sare si chimen (sau ce seminte va plac) deasupra fiecarui bicuit si ii coacem cam 17-20 min la 170C, pana se rumenesc f putin pe margini. Pofta mare!
*Reteta inspirata de aici
I think you figured that, judging by my latest recipes, I ran out of almond flour :))) So I’ve been experimenting with coconut flour, today I made these super amazing, delicious, FLUFFY coconut flour cheese biscuits. They’re just so great, try them or pin the on Pinterest for later :)
Ingredients (14 pcs):
- 4 eggs
- 100 g butter
- 50 g coconut flour
- 30 g flax-seed flour
- 2 tbsp psyllium husk
- 100 g grated emmentaler/mozzarella
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 1/2 tsp baking powder
- salt, caraway seeds for the topping
Beat the eggs, melt and cool the butter. Simply combine all the ingredients in a bowl, mixing them well with a spatula. Form 14 balls and place them on a tray lined with baking paper. You can use grated mozzarella or other melting cheese instead of emmentaler.
Gently flatten them, giving them a biscuit shape, sprinkle salt and caraway seeds on them (or your favorite seeds) and bake them at 170 C for about 17-20 ,min, until, just a little brown on the edges. Enjoy!
Sunt foarte, foarte faini!
Eu am pus faina de ovăz in loc de in.
Cred ca ar trebui urcata reteta si pe facebook-ul Madeline’s Cuisine :)
Multumesc frumos, Cristina, ma bucur ca ti-au placut biscutiii! Sa stii ca la sugestia ta, am pus reteta mai repede pe pagina de Facebook :D Pupici!