Ieri am crezut ca mor de pofta cand am vazut reteta de biscuiti cu portocale a Corinei, asa ca azi a trebuit neaparat sa incerc si eu ceva similar, baby-friendly, sa pape si Ilincuta :) Biscuiti cu portocale, Madeline style. Absolut geniali, tocmai buni de luat la pachet in parc, sa rontaim cand avem nevoie de energie :)

Ingrediente (24 de buc):

  • 200g faina
  • 1 ou 
  • 100g curmale
  • 100g unt
  • coaja rasa si sucul de la 1 portocala bio
  • 1/2 lgt praf de copt
  • 1/2 lgt scortisoara
  • 1/2 lgt extract de vanilie

Introducem in blender: curmalele fara samburi, sucul de portocala, untul, vanilia si oul si mixam bine pana la omogenizare. Punem faina, praful de copt, scortisoara si coaja rasa de portocala intr-un bol, adaugam amestecul de curmale si framantam aluatul.

Il intindem pe o planseta pudrata cu faina, il rulam cu sucitorul si decupam biscuitii cu ce forme dorim. Mie mi-au iesit 24 de biscuiti.

Ii transferam usor pe o tava tapetata cu hartie de copt si ii coacem aprox 14 min la 170C, pana se rumenesc putin de tot pe margini. Pofta mare!


I was really craving for some orange cookies I saw yesterday on another blog, so I made my own version today, baby-friendly :) Orange cookies, Madeline style. So tasty and easy to grab on the go for a quick energizing snack :)

Ingredients (24 pcs):

  • 200 g whole purpose flour
  • 1 egg
  • 100 g dates
  • 100 g butter
  • zest and juice from 1 organic orange
  • 1/2 tsp baking powder
  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract

Blend the pitted dates, orange juice, butter, vanilla and egg and mix well. Place the flour, baking powder, cinnamon and orange zest in a bowl and add the date mixture.

Knead the dough well and roll on a surface well dusted with flour, then cut out the cookies using any shape you want. I got 24 cookies. Transfer on a tray lined with baking paper and bake for about 14 min at 170C, until slightly brownish on the edges. Enjoy! :)

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