La cafeaua de dupa-amiaza tare bine merge un biscuite, nu? :) Ei bine, ce ziceti de niste biscuiti fragezi deliciosi, fara gluten, umpluti cu gem de caise de la bunica? Haideti sa biscuim impreuna :) Sincer, sunt unii din cei mai buni biscuiti fara gluten pe care i-am mancat, ii voi pune pe repeat cu siguranta. Mai ales ca am camara plina de gem si dulceata :)

Ingrediente (10 biscuiti dubli):

  • 100g unt topit
  • 120g faina fara gluten Dr. Schar
  • 90g faina de migdale (sau migdale rasnite fin)
  • 70g Green Sugar
  • 1 lgt praf de copt
  • 1 ou
  • Green Sugar (sau xylitol fin) pentru pudrat
  • gem de casa pentru umplut

Amestecam usor ingredientele uscate intr-un bol: cele 2 tipuri de faina, praful de copt si un praf de sare. Separat, batem oul cu indulcitorul, apoi adaugam si untul topit si racit, vanilia si amestecam bine in continuare, adaugand treptat amestecul de faina.

Trebuie sa obtinem un aluat moale pe care il intindem cu sucitorul si decupam ce forme dorim. Puteti folosi si un pahar :) Atentie, aluatul trebuie manevrat cu grija, pentru ca e usor faramicios. Coacem biscuitii la foc mic, 160 C timp de 12-15 minute, pana prind putina culoare. Ii lasam la racit pe un gratar, ii umplem cu gem de casa si pudram biscuitele de sus cu indulcitor. Pofta mare!


A cookies is just perfect for the afternoon coffee, right? :) Well, how about some delicious tender, gluten-free, homemade jam filled cookies? Let’s do some baking :D  Honestly, these are some of the best gluten-free cookies I ever had, I will definitely put this recipe on repeat. Especially since my pantry is full of grandma’s jams :)

Ingredients (10 double cookies):

  • 100g melted butter
  • 120g gluten-free flour blend
  • 90g almond meal (finely ground almonds)
  • 70g stevia based sweetener
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 1 egg
  • stevia based sweetener for dusting (or xylitol)
  • homemade jam for filling

Gently combine the almond meal, gluten-free flour, baking powder and a pinch of salt in a bowl. Beat the egg with the sweetener, then add the melted and chilled butter, vanilla and keep stirring, gradually adding the flour mix. We will obtain a soft dough, that we’ll roll on the table and cut out shapes with a cookie cutter or a glass :)

Maneuver the dough carefully, it is more delicate than the ones with gluten. Bake the cookies in the preheated oven at medium heat, 160 C, until they turn slightly golden. Let them cool on a rack, then fill them with jam and dust the upper cookie with sweetener. Enjoy!

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