Biscuiti pufosi cu tofu. Biscuitii pufosi cu branza sunt printre cele mai de succes retete de pe blog, iar eu i-am facut de super multe ori, efectiv ii adoram :) Acum am facut varianta lor fara lactate, nu m-am incumetat inca la varianta vegana, dar daca faceti reteta aceasta cu un inlocuitor de ou, please let me know :) Au iesit super buni, pufosi si aromati. Ar fi mers si niste fulgi de drojdie inactiva, pentru o extra aroma de branza, desi tofu pe care l-am folosit da oricum aroma de cascaval afumat, yummmm :)

Ingrediente (18 buc):

Scoatem untul vegan cu o ora inainte si il lasam la temperatura camerei. Taiem cubulete untul si il punem in bolul mixerului alaturi de tofu faramitat cu furculita (am folosit Tofu afumat), oul, iaurtul de cocos (am folosit din acesta de la Alpro), sarea, chimenul, praful de copt si bicarbonatul.

Framantam aluatul pana e omogen si lipicios, apoi il transferam pe o suprafata pudrata cu faina. Il intindem intr-un strat grosut, adaugand faina daca aluatul devine lipicios, apoi decupam biscuitii.

Am folosit o forma mai maricicica si au iesit 18 biscuiti :) Ii ungem cu galbenus si ii coacem in cuptorul preincalzit la 170C timp de 15-17 min cu ventilatia pornita, pana se rumenesc frumos. Pofta mare!


My fluffy cheese biscuits are one of the most popular recipes on my blog and I have made them so many times, we simply love them :) Now I made their dairy free version, I didn’t go further to try the vegan version, but if you use an egg replacement for this recipe, please let me know :) These fluffy tofu biscuits are so yummy and tasty. I could have used some nutritional yeast flakes for an extra cheese flavor, but they are super delicious anyway :)

Ingredients (18 pcs):

  • 100 g Naturli vegan butter
  • 150 g coconut yogurt
  • 250 g flour (+extra for kneading)
  • 1 egg
  • 100 g Tofu (smoked)
  • 2 tbsp caraway seeds
  • 1/2 tsp baking powder
  • 1/2 tsp baking soda
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 egg yolk for the topping

Take out the vegan butter from the fridge 1 hour before. Cut it into cubes, mash the tofu with a fork and add all of the ingredients to the mixer bowl. I used Alpro coconut yogurt. Knead the dough until well combined and sticky, transfer to a surface dusted with flour.

Roll into a medium thick layer, adding more flour if the dough sticks to the rolling pin. Cut out the cookies, I user a pretty larger cutter and got only 18 pieces :) Grease with egg yolk and bake in the preheated oven at 170 C with the ventilation on for 15-17 min, until lovely golden. Enjoy!

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