Recunosc ca atunci cand ma loveste o pofta ur-gen-ta de dulce recurg la urmatorul truc rapid: amestec cateva linguri zdravene de seminte de canepa cu putina miere si gata :) Asa mi-a venit ideea de a face niste bombonele ce au la baza semintele de canepa. Sunt foarte gustoase si au o multime de vitamine. Un deliciu :)
Ingrediente (16 bucati)
- 250g caju crud (sau migdale, nuci romanesti, alune de padure etc)
- 100g seminte de canepa decorticate
- 5 lg ulei de cocos
- 5 lg sirop de agave (sau indulcitorul natural preferat, dupa gust)
- 2 lg carob (sau cacao de calitate)
- 1/2 lgt pudra de vanilie
- 1 praf de sare
Mixam 50 de grame din semintele de canepa cu restul ingredientelor in robotul de bucatarie, apoi modelam bilute pe care le tavalim prin seminte ramase. Le pastram in frigider. Pofta mare!
*Low-carb: folositi un indulcitor adecvat: eritritol, tagatoza, Green Sugar, xylitol, stevie dupa gust.
I must admit that when my sugar craving kicks in, I use the following trick: I simply mix a few tablespoons of hemp seeds with a little honey :) That’s how I came up with the idea of making raw chocolates with hemp seeds. They are too tasty and have a lot of vitamins. A wonderful treat! :)
Ingredients (16 pieces)
- 250 g raw cashew (or almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts etc)
- 100 g hemp seeds
- 5 tbsp coconut oil
- 5 tbsp agave syrup (or favorite natural sweetener, to taste)
- 2 tbsp carob (or quality cocoa)
- 1/2 tsp vanilla powder
- 1 pinch of salt
Mix 50 g of hemp seeds along with the rest of the ingredients in the food processor, then mold small balls and coat them in the remaining hemp seeds. Store them in the fridge. Enjoy!