Deja m-au cuprins atmosfera si febra sarbatorilor, iar cand am vazut aceste forme de silicon atat de dragute si festive la Lidl, am stiut ca voi faceeee Bomboane de Ciocolata! Sunt super bune, iar daca le puneti intr-o cutie draguta, pot fi oferite cadou :) Si nu orice cadou, unul dulce, hranitor si mai ales facut cu drag, va pot ajuta si cei mici sa scoateti bombonelele din forme, e o activitate foarte placuta :)
- 100g unt 80% grasime
- 100g ciocolata amaruie fara zahar
- 2 lg Edulcorem
- 4 pic Green Sugar caramel (dupa gust)
- 2 lg tahini
- 1 lgt esenta de rom
- 1 lgt esenta de vanilie
- nuci, migdale tocate (optional)
Simplu de tot: punem o craticioara la Bain-Marie (deasupra unui vas cu apa fierbinte), adaugam toate ingredientele. Amestecam bine cu o lingura de lemn pana se topesc untul si ciocolata, apoi omogenizam bine totul cu un tel.
Puteti adauga si nuci sau migdale toate grosier. Turnam ciocolata in forme de silicon si le introducem in frigider, pana se intaresc. Se pastreaza in frigider, la temperatura camerei se inmoaie putin. Pofta mare! :)
Galerie foto
I am already in the Christmas mood. so when I saw these super cute & festive chocolate moulds in Lidl, I knew right away that I had to make Chocolate fat bombs! :) They are just sooo good, and if you put them in a cute box, they can make a perfect gift. Tasty, nutritious, made with love :) And the little ones can help you in the process, it’s just such a pleasant activity!
- 100 g 80% fat butter
- 100 g sugar free dark chocolate
- 2 tbsp erithritol
- 4 drops caramel stevia (to taste)
- 2 tbsp tahini (sesame paste)
- 1 tsp rum essence
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- roughly chopped walnuts, almonds(optional)
Super simple: put a pot over another pot of boiling water and add all the ingredients. Mix with a wooden spoon until the butter and chocolate are melted. Then use a whisk to combine everything well.
You can also add chopped walnuts or almonds. Pour into chocolate moulds, then place in the fridge to set. Store in the fridge, they get a little soft at room temperature. Enjoy! :)0