Daca aveti pofta de bombonele, sunteti fan nuca de cocos, dar si urmati o dieta low carb, aceste bomboane Raffaello sunt pentru voi :) Super gustoase si aromate, cu cate o migdala frageda inauntru, sunt un desert minunat, nu contin zahar rafinat, gluten, E-uri, diversi aditivi si conservanti… Pofta mare!

Ingrediente (20 de buc):

Mai intai punem migdalele la hidratat in apa cat sa le acopere cu o seara inainte. Astfel vor deveni fragede, crocante, mai usor de digerat si de curatat de pielita :)

Punem intr-un bol mare untul la temperatura camerei (cat mai moale), indulcitorul, crema de cocos, vanilia si omogenizam bine totul cu un tel. Adaugam apoi fulgii de cocos si amestecam bine compozitia.

Formam 20 de bilute inauntrul carora punem cate o migdala. Le introducem in frigider cel putin 1 ora inainte de a le servi. Pofta mare!

*Pentru varianta de post folositi unt de cocos.


If you love coconut, want a sweet treat but are on a low carb diet, these coconut truffles are for you :) Super tasty, with a crunchy almond in the center, free from refined sugar, gluten, you’ll adore them! :)

Ingredients (20 pcs):

  • 100 g desiccated coconut
  • 200 g coconut cream
  • 50 g butter
  • 3 tbsp stevia erithritol (or favorite sweetener)
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 20 raw almonds

First of all soak the almonds a night before, by placing them in a bowl with enough water to cover them. This will make them tender, crunchy, easier to digest and peel :)

In a large bowl place the butter (soft, at room temperature), sweetener, coconut cream, vanilla and whisk until smooth. Add the coconut flakes, salt and mix well. Form 20 balls and place an almond in the center of each ball. Place in the fridge at least 1 hour before serving. Enjoy! :)

1 Comment on Bomboane Raffaello low carb / Low carb coconut truffles

  1. Arata foarte bine, identice cu cele din comert :). Foarte buna ideea cu hidratarea migdalelor, asta fiind singurul lucru care nu prea imi place la cele din comert, faptul ca miezul e foarte tare.

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