Ma impac foarte bine cu dieta raw, dar parca ar merge si ceva dulce, nu? :) Bomboane raw cu caramel. Umplutura delicioasa facuta din curmale moi si unt de migdale si o superba glazura de ciocolata sanatoasa… Mmmm…. De incercat neaparat ;)
- 200g curmale hidratate
- 150g unt de migdale (reteta aici)
- 50g caju hidratat
- 1 lg ulei de cocos
- 1/3 cana ulei de cocos (70g)
- 1/3 cana cacao (sau carob) (40g)
- 1/4 cana sirop de agave (60ml)
- 1 praf de sare
Punem curmalele in robotul de bucatarie si procesam bine pana se maruntesc. Adaugam apoi nucile caju, untul de migdale, o lingura de ulei de cocos si mixam pana avem o compozitie destul de omogena. Mai adaugam o lingura de apa plata pentru legare.
Presam compozitia in forme patrate de silicon (sau de care aveti) si le introducem in congelator. Dupa 1-2 ore, scoatem bomboanele din forma si le cufundam cu o furculita in glazura de ciocolata facuta prin amestecarea ultimelor 4 ingrediente cu un tel micut. Asezam bomboanele pe o hartie de copt si la congelator cu ele! :) Se pastreaza tot in congelator. Delicioase, jur! :)
I’m am handling the raw diet pretty well, but I feel like eating something sweet :) Raw caramel chocolates. Delicious filling made from soft dates and almond butter and a gorgeous healthy chocolate glaze… Mmmmm…. You’ve got to try these ;)
- 200 g soft hydrated dates
- 150 g almond butter (recipe here)
- 50 g hydrated cashew
- 1 tbsp coconut oil
- 1/3 cup coconut oil (melted over a pot of hot water) (70g)
- 1/3 cup raw cocoa (or carob) (40g)
- 1/4 cup agave syrup (60ml)
- 1 pinch of salt
Place the dates in the food processor and process well until finely chopped. Then add the cashew nuts, almond butter, a tablespoon of olive oil and process until we get a homogeneous mixture. Add 1 tbsp of water as well. Press the mixture in square silicon molds and put them in the freezer.
After 1-2 hour, pop the chocolates out from the molds and dip them in the glaze made from mixing the last 4 ingredients with a small whisk. Place the chocolates on baking paper and put them in the freezer to set. Store them in the freezer as well. Delicious, I swear!
Buna ziua aveti un site superb vroiam sa te intreb nu te-ar interesa un parteneriat sau simplu link exchange sa mai cresc si eu blogutzul meu Tort Retete . Ms frumos si succes in continuare !
Draga Alexandra, iti multumesc frumos pentru compliment! Din pacate blogul meu are cu totul alt profil, te sfatuiesc sa incerci la blogurile specializate care se axeaza pe dulciuri si torturi traditionale. Multa bafta si o seara frumoasa!