Batoanele Bounty erau preferatele mele de mica, atingand apogeul in facultate, cand ma delectam aproape zilnic cu unu, doua… Dar aveam si 10 kg in plus. Ulterior m-am desteptat si am slabit! :)) Acum mi le fac eu acasa intr-o varianta incomparabil mai sanatoasa si plina de nutrienti. Si nu mai mananc zilnic :) Bounty raw vegan.

Ingrediente (12 batoane):

Amestecam fulgii si crema de cocos cu 3 linguri de miere. Vom obtine o compozitie moale pe care o presam bine intr-o casoleta dreptunghiulara tapetata cu folie alimentara. O nivelam frumos si o introducem in congelator. Eu folosesc frecvent aceasta forma pentru mini prajiturele patratele :)

Preparam glazura: topim untul de cacao la bain marie, adaugam pudra de cacao, cele 3 linguri de miere ramase si amestecam bine pana la omogenizare. Introducem glazura in frigider 10-15 min, pentru a avea consistenta ideala, de miere putin fluida. Taiem batoanele si le scufundam in glazura de ciocolata, le asezam pe o hartie cerata si le mai tinem putin la rece. Pofta mare!

Galerie foto


I used to love Bounty bars, during college I think I had one or two every day… But I also had 10 extra kg. Then I woke up and lost the weight! :)) Now I make these bars at home, in a super healthy version, packed with nutrients. And I don’t eat them every day :) Raw vegan Bounty.

Ingredients (12 bars):

  • 200 g coconut flakes
  • 150 ml coconut cream
  • 6 tbsp honey (or your favorite natural sweetener)
  • 100 g cocoa butter
  • 25 g cocoa

Mix the coconut cream and flakes with 3 tbsp of honey. You’ll get a soft mixture, press it well in a rectangular casserole lined with clingfilm. Level the surface and place in the freezer until hard enough to cut nicely.

Prepare the frosting: melt the cocoa butter over a bowl of hot water, add the cocoa powder, remaining honey and mix until smooth and creamy. Place in the fridge for 10-15 min, until it reaches the desired consistency, of slightly fluid honey. Cut out the bars, dip in chocolate and put them on a piece of parchment paper in the fridge. Enjoy!

10 Comments on Bounty raw vegan / Raw Bounty bars

  1. Buna!Arata atat de bine!Ma gandeam sa o fac si eu insa nu stiu ce forma sa folosesc?Imi spui te rog, de unde as putea cumpara?

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