De mult timp imi doream sa prepar un Bounty sanatos, insa nu am fost satisfacuta de retetele gasite pe internet. So I went back to basic si m-am lasat ghidata de intuitie si talent :) Reteta pe care v-o propun este extrem de simpla, se face foarte repede, e de post, super sanatoasa, nu e  foarte scumpa (alte retete contin unt de cocos sau de cacao) si e dementiala!


Amestecam bine, pana la omogenizare fulgii de cocos, crema de cocos si indulcitorul. Cantitatile sunt orientative pentru ca difera in functie de ingredientele folosite, asa ca puteti adauga mai multa crema sau mai multi fulgi de cocos pana obtineti o consistenta maleabila.

Presam compozitia in forme de silicon pe care le introducem in congelator pana se intaresc (aprox 2-3h). Scoatem batoanele din forme si le introducem in ciocolata neagra topita la bain-marie si amestecata cu uleiul de cocos. Le asezam pe hartie de copt si le punem la frigider pentru a se raci. Divine… Pofta mare!


I’ve been wanting to prepare healthy Bounty bars for a long time, but the recipes I found on the internet were not satisfying enough. So I went back to basic and let myself driven by intuition (and talent :)
The recipe I am bringing you is extremely simple, quick, vegan (!), healthy, not expensive (other recipes contain cacao butter), a true delight!


  • 200 g coconut flakes
  • 200 ml coconut cream
  • 3 tbsp liquid natural sweetener (agave/maple syrup, honey)
  • 250 g sugar free dark chocolate
  • 2 tbsp coconut oil

Combine in a bowl the coconut flakes, cream and sweetener. The quantities are not strict, because the texture of the ingredients may differ, so add more coconut cream or flakes until you get a soft „dough”.
Press the mixture into silicone molds and place in the freezer to set, for about 2-3 h.

Pop the bars out form the molds and dip them into the melted chocolate mixed with coconut oil (bain-marie – over a pot of hot water). Place them on a tray lined with baking paper let them cool in the fridge. Amazing… Enjoy!

2 Comments on Bounty vegan / Vegan Bounty bars

    • O cumpar, Andreea, ai linkul in reteta, cand dai click pe ingredient ;) Merge si cu lapte de cocs f gras. O zi frumoasa!

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