De cand sunt mama si mai ales incepand cu diversificarea Ilincai m-am specializat in multe domenii :) Am descoperit cea mai buna branza de vaci de casa din lume: cea facuta in casa, cu iaurt! Am testat si variantele cu lamaie si calciu lactic, dar, credeti-ma, cea facuta cu iaurt e de departe cea mai gustoasa si cremoasa! Eu fac chiar o portie mare si mancam si noi, pe paine prajita, cu mamaliga si smantana, cu ceapa si rosii, cu fructe si miere, variantele sunt nenumarate :)

Ingrediente (2 portii):

  • 500ml lapte gras (de tara sau bio)
  • 150g iaurt 3.5% grasime

Mod de preparare

Se pune laptele pe foc intr-o cratita, la foc mediu. Cand se ajunge aproape de punctul de fierbere se adauga iaurtul, amestecand frecvent. Branzica se va separa de zer vazand cu ochii :) Turnam totul intr-o sita sau intr-un tifon si lasam la scurs branza.

Din aceste cantitati am obtinut 120g branza, le puteti injumatati sau chiar dubla foarte usor. Eu fac portii mari pentru ca mancam si noi, e minunata! :) Mi-am si luat de aici un vas special pentru branza pentru a avea o forma frumoasa produsul finit aka branzica :D Pofta mare la branza de vaci de casa!

*Pentru bebe branza de vaci de casa se poate da incepand cu a doua luna de diversificare (a 7a) si puteti face fie 2 portii din 500ml de lapte, pe a 2a pastrand-o la frigider pentru a doua zi, fie cate una din 250ml. In autodiversificare (BLW) se poate oferi inca de la 6 luni

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Since I am a mother I starting becoming good at so many things, especially since Ilinca started eating solids :) I discovered the best cottage cheese in the world: the one that’s homemade, with yogurt! I tested the versions with lemon and calcium, but trust me, this one with yogurt is by far the most tasty and creamy ever! :) I actually make double portions so me and daddy can eat, too, it’s delicious on toast, with polenta and sour cream, with onions and tomatoes, fruit and honey, the possibilities are countless :)

Ingredients (2 servings):

  • 500ml full fat milk (organic or from a good source)
  • 150 g yogurt 3.5% fat

Heat the milk in a pan, on medium heat. When it is close to boiling, add the yogurt and mix well. The cheese will separate in an instance :) Pour everything in a strainer or cloth and let the liquid drain. I got 120 g of fresh cheese from the quantities, but you can easily double or split them in half. I make a lot because we love it :) Enjoy!

*For a baby, cottage cheese can be introduced starting from the second month of solids (the 7th) and you can either make 2 portions from 500 ml milk and save the second one for the next day in the fridge, or make a portion from 250 ml daily.

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