Briose dulci acrisoare perfect pentru cei mici, sunt atat de pufoase si dragalase ca vor avea mare succes! Sunt si perfecte pentru o gustare usoara in parc, la joaca, sau servite pe o tava frumoasa alaturi de un ceai aromat. Combinatia intre bananele dulci si merisoarele acrisoare e minunata :)

Ingrediente (15 briose):

Amestecam intr-un bol ingredientele uscate: faina, fulgii de ovaz, taratele de psyllium, scortisoara, praful de copt, bicarbonatul. Adaugam merisoarele si amestecam bine tot. Mixam in blender ingredientele umele: ouale, bananele, mierea, uleiul de cocos si laptele.

Incorporam cu o spatula amestecul umed in cel uscat, apoi impartim compozitia in 15 forme din silicon pentru briose. Coacem briosele aprox 20-25 de min in cuptorul preincalzit la 170C, pana trec testul scobitorii. Pofta mare!

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*Baby-friendly: Sau sirop de artar, mierea se da copiilor numai dupa vartsa de 1 an, cu masura.


Sweet and sour fluffy muffins perfect for kids! they’re great to grab with you when going in the park for some playtime or served on a nice tray next to a hot cup of tea. The combination of sweet bananas and sour cranberries is great :)

Ingredients (15 muffins):

  • 200 g wholewheat flour
  • 50 g oatmeal
  • 2 tbsp psyllium husk
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 1/2 tsp baking soda
  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon
  • 150 g fresh cranberries
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 ripe bananas
  • 2 tbsp honey* (after 1 year, or maple syrup)
  • 2 tbsp coconut oil
  • 200 ml almond milk

Mix the dry ingredients in a bowl: flour, oatmeal, psyllium husk, cinnamon, baking powder and baking  soda. Add the cranberries and give it a good stir. Blend the bananas, coconut oil, eggs, honey, coconut oil and milk.

Fold in the wet mixture into the dry one and divide into 15 silicone muffin cases. Bake for 30 min at 170 C, until a skewer inserted in the center comes out clean. Enjoy!

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