Un desert sanatos si plin de nutrienti. Puteti suplimenta cantitatea de fructe uscate daca va place mai dulce. Briose fara faina, unt sau zahar :)
Ingrediente (12 bucati)
- 5 oua
- 200 g fulgi de cocos
- 4 lg tarate de psyllium
- 80 g migdale macinate fin
- 250 ml lapte vegetal
- semintele de la o pastaie de vanilie
- 3-4 lg xylitol (sau indulcitorul preferat)
- 1 pumn de merisoare deshidratate si stafide*
- 1 lgt praf de copt
Batem albusurile, adaugam restul ingredientelor (inclusiv galbenusurile) si amestecam bine. Turnam compozitia in forme de briose si le introducem la cuptor cam 40-45 de min. Cand trec testul scobitorii, sunt gata :) Pofta mare!
*Low-carb/keto: folositi un indulcitor adecvat: eritritol, tagatoza, Green Sugar dupa gust si renuntati la merisoare si stafide.
A dessert that’s healthy and full of nutrients. You can supplement the amount of dried fruit if you like a sweeter taste.
Ingredients (12 muffins)
- 5 eggs
- 200 g coconut flakes
- 4 tbsp psyllium
- 80 g almond meal
- 250 ml vegetable milk
- seeds form 1 vanilla bean
- 3-4 tbsp xylitol (or favorite sweetener)
- 1 handful of dried cranberries and raisins*
- 1 tsp organic baking powder (I use Doves farm)
Beat the egg whites, then add the rest of the ingredients (including egg yolks) and mix well. Pour the mixture into muffin molds and bake in the preheated oven for about 40-45 min. When a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean, they’re done :) Enjoy!
*Low-carb option: lose the raisins and cranberries and use a low carb sweetener.
Astazi am gustat prajitura facuta de Andreea si a fost suuuuper tasty! <3 congrats on the recipe!
Ma bucur mult ca ti-au placut! :) kisses :*
Buna, crezi ca taratele s-ar putea exclude sau inlocui cu ceva astfel incat reteta sa fie ok si pentru intoleranta la gluten?
Felicitari pentru retete, sunt minunate!!!
Buna Adelina! In primul rand iti multumesc ca imi urmaresti blogul si ma bucur mult ca iti plac retetele mele! :) Taratele de psyllium nu contin gluten, deci poti face linistita aceste briose ;) Spor la treaba! :*
galbenusurile se adauga si ele la sfarsit?
Buna Nicoleta, da, se adauga si galbenusurile, sunt incluse in „restul ingredientelor” :) O zi frumoasa!