Astazi avem in meniu bruschete cu cartof dulce :) O reteta inedita in care dulceata cartofului se imbina perfect cu pasta de masline, ceapa si aroma acrisoara de capere. Sunt un aperitiv de efect, dar le puteti manca si dimineata cu salata. Foarte foarte bune! Sa le incercati neaparat :)

Ingrediente (4-6 portii):

  • 2 cartofi dulci
  • 4-5 lg pasta de masline
  • 250g rosii cherry
  • 1/2 ceapa rosie
  • 3 lg capere
  • verdeata (chives, patrunjel)

Curatam cartofii dulci si ii taiem felii potrivite, groase cam de 1 cm. Le asezam intr-o tava tapetata cu hartie de copt si bagam totul la cuptor cam 15-20 de minute (cu ventilatia pornita).

Ungem rondelele de cartof cu pasta de masline, apoi punem toppingul: felii de rosii cherry, ceapa rosie tocata, capere si verdeata. Eu am pus chives pentru ca asta am avut, dar merg foarte bine si cu patrunjel. Pofta mare!


Today’s menu features sweet potato bruschetta :) A special recipe in which the sweetness of the potato perfectly matches the olive paste, onion and sour capers. They’re an excellent appetizer, but you can also have them for breakfast, with salad. Really, really good! Do try them :)

Ingredients (4-6 serving):

  • 2 sweet potatoes
  • 4-5 tbsp olive paste
  • 250 g cherry tomatoes
  • 1/2 red onion
  • 3 tbsp capers
  • fresh herbs (chives, parsley)

Peel the sweet potatoes and cut them into medium slices, about 1 cm thick. Arrange the slices on a tray and bake them for about 15-20 min (ventilation on). Spread olive paste on them and add the toppings: cherry tomato slices, chopped red onion, capers and fresh herbs. I used chives, but parsley will be just as fine. Enjoy!

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