Imi plac foarte mult budincile, asa ca duminica am incercat sa fac o varianta mai usoara a acestor delicii ce imi amintesc mereu de copilarie. Budinca mea ciocolatoasa a iesit foarte buna, aromata si mai ca n-am asteptat sa se raceasca de tot :) Pentru un moment de rasfat dulce :)
Ingrediente (2 portii)
- 500ml lapte de cocos
- 2 galbenusuri
- 3 lg amidon de porumb
- 4 lg sirop de artar (sau indulcitorul preferat, dupa gust)
- 2 lg cacao (sau carob)
- semintele de la 1 pastaie de vanilie
Easy peasy: punem laptele la fiert. Amestecam bine de tot celelalte ingrediente cu 5 linguri de lapte rece si adaugam peste laptele fierbinte amestecand constant cu un tel pana se ingroasa.
Decoram cu ce avem dragut la indemana, fulgi de cocos, fructe etc si … lasam la racit…. sa zicem :)))) Pofta mare!
I really like puddings so this Sunday I tried to make a lighter version of these sweets that always remind me of childhood. My version turned out great and I almost didn’t wait for it to cool :) For a not so guilty moment of indulgence :)
Ingredients (2 servings)
- 500 ml coconut milk
- 2 egg yolks
- 3 tbsp corn starch
- 4 tbsp maple syrup (or favorite sweetener, to taste)
- 2 tbsp cocoa (or carob)
- seeds from 1 vanilla bean
Easy peasy: bring the milk to a boil over low heat. Combine the other ingredients with 5 tablespoons of cold milk and add them over the boiling milk constantly stirring until the pudding thickens. Decorate with whatever you have nice at hand: coconut flakes, fruit etc and…. let it chill… or not :))) Enjoy!