De cand alaptez, si mai ales in primul an, orice urma de cacao o agita la maxim pe printesa mea. Asa ca a trebuit sa gasesc o metoda prin care sa ma bucur cumva de ciocolata :) Aceasta budinca delicioasa de ciocolata cu roscove este extrem de sanatoasa pentru femeile care alapteaza, datorita ingredientelor bogate in nutrienti: avocado, cocos, seminte de canepa, pudra de roscove… :)

Ingrediente (1-2 portii):

SImplu, ca de obicei: introducem toate ingredientele in blender si mixam bine pana obtinem o consistenta fina, apoi turnam crema intr-un castron si o introducem in frigider! :) Acolo se va intari datorita uleiului de cocos. E o portie generoasa, dar cand alaptezi foamea e mareee! :)) Pofta mare, mamici!

*Baby-friendly: folositi, optional, putin sirop de artar sau miere, avand in vedere faptul ca mierea se ofera copiilor numai dupa varsta de 1 an, cu masura.


Since breastfeeding I’ve noticed the smallest amount of cocoa makes my baby super nervous. So I had to find a way to enjoy chocolate somehow :) This carob chocolate pudding is super healthy for breastfeeding moms, thanks to its highly nutritious ingredients: avocado, coconut, hemp, carob… :)

Ingredients (1-2 serving):

  • 1 ripe avocado
  • 1 banana
  • 2 tbsp carob
  • 1-2 tbsp agave syrup (optional, to taste)
  • 1 tsp coconut oil
  • 1 tbsp hemp seeds (optional, for the topping)

Simple, as always: blend all the ingredients well, until smooth and creamy. Pour the pudding in a bowl and place in the fridge to set. The coconut oil will make it become more firm. It’s quite a generous serving, but you all know you’re soo hungry when breastfeeding! :)) Enjoy, moms!

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