Am revenit cu prima reteta dupa nastere, wohoo! :)) Back in business :)) Pentru ca acum mananc fara lactate, ca sa ameliorez durerile de burta ale piticoatei, am facut aceasta super buna budinca de nuca de cocos; e minunata, fina si cremoasa, cred ca ii puteti adauga si o glazura de zahar ars :) E cea mai buna optiune pentru persoanele cu intoleranta la lactoza care vor sa se bucure de o crema de zahar ars :)


Batem spuma ouale cu zaharul brun, adaugam apoi laptele de cocos, laptele condensat de cocos, vanilia, amestecam bine. La final adaugam si fulgii de nuca de cocos.

Turnam compozitia intr-o tava rotunda de yena, o asezam in alt vas in care turnam apa pana la jumatatea compozitiei. Coacem budinca 1 ora la 170C, apoi o lasam sa se raceasca de tot la temperatura camerei si ideal inca vreo 2 ore in frigider :)

O rasturnam pe un platou si o servim cu fulgi de cocos deasupra. Cred ca ar fi mers niste fructe acrisoare la servire, cum ar fi zmeura :) Pofta mare! Budinca de nuca de cocos

*Puteti face voi singuri laptele de cocos condensat dupa aceasta reteta, cel pe care l-am folosit eu continea zahar. Reteta inspirata de aici.


I am back with my first recipe after birth, woho! :)) I am back in business :)) Because I eat dairy free now to ease my baby’s colic, I made this delicious coconut flan, it’s so smooth and silky, I think you can add a crème brulee glaze :) It’s the best option for lactose intolerant people that want to enjoy a classic creme brulee dessert :)


  • 5 eggs
  • 100 g brown sugar (or Green Sugar Gold)
  • 400 ml coconut milk/coconut cream
  • 240 g condensed coconut milk*
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 80 g desiccated coconut

Beat the eggs and brown sugar, then add the coconut milk, condensed milk and vanilla mix well. In the end add the desiccated coconut.

Pour the mixture in a heat resistant dish, place it into another dish and pour water into the second one halfway throught the mixture of the first. Bake for 1 hour at 170C, let it cool at room temperature, then ideally chill in the fridge 2 more hours.

Flip on a platter and serve with more desiccated coconut on top. Some sour fruit would go well, like raspberries. Enjoy!

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