Daca aveti paine mai veche care s-a intarit, nu trebuie sa o aruncati, puteti impusca 2 iepuri dintr-un foc: reduceti risipa alimentara si faceti un desert fabulos de mega „comfort food” :) Budinca de paine. Crusta crocanta, umplutura moale frageda cu aroma de cozonac, un desert perfect pentru zilele in care nu se numara caloriile :D
- 500g paine tare
- 2 oua de tara
- 600ml lapte de migdale
- 150g zahar brun (sau indulcitorul preferat)*
- 100g stafide
- 100g coaja de portocala confiata
- 1 lgt extract de vanilie
- 1 lgt scortisoara
- 50g unt
Taiem painea cubulete si o punem intr-o tava rotunda de yena. Adaugam peste ea indulcitorul, stafidele, scortisoara si coaja de portocala. Intr-un bol batem ouale cu laptele, vanilia si turnam acest amestec peste paine, apoi amestecam bine totul cu o lingura si lasam budinca 30 de min in frigider, pentru a se inmuia painea si rehidrata stafidele.
Inainte de coacere punem untul taiat cubulete deasupra si mai presaram putin zahar brun ca topping. Coacem budinca aprox 45 de min in cuptorul preincalzit la 170C, cu ventilatia pornita in ultimele 10 minute, pentru a se carameliza putin toppingul si pentru a face crusta. E minunata servita calda :) Pofta mare!
*Baby friendly: omiteti zaharul (folositi maxim 2 linguri de sirop de artar) si coaja confiata de portocala.
If you have old bread that’s become hard, you don’t have to throw it away, you can 1. stop the food waste and 2. make a fabulous comfort food dessert :) Bread pudding. Crunchy caramelized crust, soft and sweet filling, a perfect cheat day dessert :)
- 500 g old bread
- 2 free range eggs
- 600 ml almond milk
- 150 g brown sugar (or favorite sweetener)
- 100 g raisins
- 100 g candied orange zest
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- 1 tsp cinnamon
- 50 g butter
Cut the bread into cubes and place it in a round oven dish. Add the raisins, sweetener, cinnamon and orange zest. In a bowl whisk the eggs, milk and vanilla extract, then pour over the dry mixture. Combine everything well with a spatula and let it sit for 30 min in the fridge, for the bread to soften and raisins to soak.
Before baking add the chopped butter and sprinkle a little brown sugar on top. Bake for about 45 min in the preheated oven at 170 C, with the ventilation on in the last 10 min. It will make a caramelized crusty topping. The pudding is wonderful served warm :) Enjoy!