Ador diminetile de weekend pentru ca am mai mult timp sa prepar micul dejun, nu doar 5 minute ca in timpul saptamanii :) Azi am pregatit pentru mine si Ilinca o budinca de quinoa cu fructe. Nu este cea mai aratoasa budinca, insa este atat de gustoasa, hranitoare, usor de facut si indulcita natural doar cu ajutorul fructelor, incat am zis ca neaparat trebuie sa va impartasesc reteta :)
Ingrediente (4-5 portii):
- 125g quinoa
- 2 oua
- 3 lg fulgi de cocos
- 1 banana coapta
- 1 mar mare
- 1 para
- 1 lgt scortisoara
- 1/4 lgt pudra de vanilie
Clatim bine quinoa (pentru a indeparta gustul amarui) si o fierbem in 600ml de apa aprox 15-20 de min, pana centrul unei bobite devine translucid si aceasta se umfla. Decojim banana si o pasam cu furculita, dam pe razatoare marul si para, eu le-am folosit cu tot cu coaja.
Batem ouale, adaugam apoi restul ingredientelor: scortisoara, vanilia, fulgii de cocos, fructele maruntite, quinoa fiarta si scursa si amestecam usor cu o spatula totul. Turnam compozitia intr-o tava micuta de chec, adaugam cateva rondele de banana si mai pudram cu putina scortisoara (compozitia poate fi coapta si in forme din silicon pentru briose).
Coacem budinca aprox 30 de min in cuptorul preincalzit la 170C, pana se rumeneste frumos si e putin ferma la atingere. E mai usor de feliat rece, dar buna si calda :) Pofta mare!
I love weekend morning because I have more time to prepare breakfast, not only 5 min like I have during the week :) Today I prepared the most amazing quinoa fruit bake. It’s not very pretty, but so delicious and nutritious, sweetened only by fruits, super easy to make that i though I totally had to share this recipe with you! :)
Ingredients (4-5 servings):
- 125 g quinoa
- 2 eggs
- 3 tbsp desiccated coconut
- 1 ripe banana
- 1 big apple
- 1 pear
- 1 tsp cinnamon
- 1/4 tsp vanilla powder
Rinse well the quinoa and boil it in approx 600 ml of water for 15-20 min, until the center of a quinoa pod becomes translucid. Peel the banana and mas it with a fork, grate the pear and apple, I didn’t peel them.
Whisk the eggs, then add all the other ingredients: cinnamon, vanilla, coconut, grated fruit and banana, drained quinoa and mix everything well. Pour the mixture in a small pound cake pan, add banana slices and cinnamon on top (you can also bake it in silicone muffin cases).
Bake the pudding for about 30 min in the preheated oven at 170 C, until nicely brownish on the surface and firm to the touch. Slice better cold, but it’s also good warm :) Enjoy