Azi v-am pregatit un desert fabulos, dulce, lipicios, aromat si insiropat, umed, and I can go on and on.. :))) Budinca lipicioasa de curmale. E un deliciu absolut! Am facut-o in forme individuale si am servit-o cu sirop de curmale din belsug picurat pe fiecare budinca :)

Ingrediente (6 buc):

Hidratam curmalele in putina apa fierbinte timp de jumatate de ora, apoi le scurgem si le introducem in blender alaturi de banana, oua, miere, vanilie si uleiul de cocos. Mixam bine, apoi in compozitia cremoasa rezultata incorporam faina de migdale si fulgii de cocos.

Turnam aluatul in 6 forme de silicon (eu am folosit unele pentru briose) si coacem budincile timp de aprox 20-25 de min la 180C. Le lasam sa se raceasca putin, apoi le scoatem cu grija din forme si turnam putin sirop de curmale pe fiecare budinca :) Pofta mare!


I have a fabulous dessert for you today, sweet, sticky, moist, soft and I can go on and on… :))) Sticky date pudding. It’s amazing! I prepared it in individual muffin cases and served it with lots of date syrup on each pudding :)

Ingredients (6 pcs):

  • 150 g pitted dates
  • 1 banana
  • 50 g almond flour
  • 50 g coconut flakes
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1 tbsp honey
  • 1 tbsp coconut oil
  • 6 tsp date syrup (for serving)

Soak the dates in a little hot water for 30 min, then drain them and place them in the blender along with the banana, eggs, honey, vanilla and coconut oil. Process well, then fold in the almond flour and coconut flakes into this soft cream.

Pour the dough in 6 muffin silicone molds and bake them for about 20-25 min at 170 C. Let them cool, then carefully  take them out of the molds and drizzle date syrup on top of each one :) Enjoy!

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