Niciodata nu mi-a placut mamaliga cu branza si smantana asa cum mi-a placut in sarcina cu Ilinca, si vad ca acum, la bebe nr 2 se repeta pasiunea :)) Iata o idee de aperitive micute si dragute: bulete de mamaliga cu branza. Puteti folosi orice branza* care se topeste frumos: cascaval, mozzarella, cas afumat and so on, si servim buletele, bineinteles, cu smantana :)

Ingrediente (9 buc):

  • 250ml apa
  • 80g malai
  • 90g branza de burduf* (mozzarella, cascaval, etc)
  • 30g parmean ras (pt topping)

Pentru mamaliga punem apa la fiert cu un praf de sare. Cand fierbe adaugam malaiul si amestecam energic cu un tel, cam 3-4 min, pana mamaliga e suficient de groasa.

O lasam la racit un pic, intre timp ne ocupam de bransa si modelam bilute cam cat o aluna sau nuca mai mica :) Eu am folosit branza de burduf. Din mamaliga calduta formam 9 bile in care punem cate o biluta de branza (sau cubulet).

Buletele se pot incalzi putin in cuptor inainte de servire. Eu le-am presarat cu parmezan ras fin si le-am servit calde cu smantana. Yummy! Pofta mare :)


I never liked polenta with cheese and sour cream as much as I did in my pregnancy with Ilinca and I see history is repeating now with Baby nr. 2 :) Here is a cute appetizer idea: polenta cheese balls. You can use any cheese that melts nicely and serve them with grated Parmesan and sour cream, of course :)

Ingredients (9 pcs):

  • 250 ml water
  • 80 g cornmeal
  • 90 g melting cheese (mozzarella, smoked cheese, etc)
  • 30 g grated Parmesan (for the topping)

For the polenta heat water in a saucepan with a pinch of salt. When it start to boil add the cornmeal and mix thoroughly with a whisk for about 3-4 min, until it thickens.

let it cool a little, in the meantime deal with the cheese, mold balls from out the size of a peanut or small wallnut :) Form 9 balls from the polenta and put inside a small cheese ball (or cube).

You can heat these polenta cheese balls just a little in the oven before serving. I sprinkled some grated Parmesan and served them with sour cream. Super yummy! :)

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