Avem fani burgeri pe aici? Eu una ii ador, dar sa fie facuti in casa, cu ingrediente de calitate :) Si cum la calitate nimeni nu ii intrece pe cei de la Karpaten Premium Angus (tocmai au castigat medalii de bronz si argint la World Steak Challenge), am facut niste burgeri keto de vita dementiali! :) Later edit: si am descoperit un ketchup genial, fara zahar, cu continut redus de sare si ingrediente „curate”, cum se spune, detalii mai jos :)

Ingrediente (6 burgeri):

Mai intai si mai intai incingem gratarul :) Tocam carnea taiata cubulete la masina de tocat, o transferam intr-un bol, adaugam putina sare si piper si o framantam bine cu degetele.

Formam bilute de 140g, le aplatizam dandu-le o forma rotunda, de burger. Eu folosesc o astfel de ustensila (cu diametru de 11 cm), e foarte practica :) Gatim burgerii pe fiecare parte cam 3-4 min, pana sunt suficient de bine patrunsi, in functie de grosime.

Asamblam burgerii: taiem chiflele pe jumatate, le ungem cu ketchup* si maioneza, adaugam chiftele de carne, branza feliata (puteti folosi orice branza care se topeste), felii de rosie, rondele de ceapa, salata. Pofta mare!

Iata ce ketchup genial am descoperiiiit! Are continut redus de sare iar ca Ingrediente: rosii (100gr de ketchup se obtin din 280gr rosii), indulcitor (xilitol), apa filtrata, sare de mare, otet de vin alb, ulei de in presat la rece, ceapa rosie, usturoi, condimente. Il puteti comanda de AICI.

*Gasiti si burgeri de vita Angus gata preparati in magazinul online al celor de la Karpaten Premium Angus, daca nu aveti timp sau chef de modelat :) Contin doar carne, sare si piper, ii gasiti AICI.


Any burger fans here? I sure do love them, but I like to make them at home, with good ingredients :) And since I had some great awarded Angus beef, I made the most amazing keto burgers, absolutely delicious! :)

Ingredients (6 burgers):

  • 850 Angus beef (knuckle)
  • 1/2 tsp salt, 1 pinch of pepper
  • 6 keto burger buns (recipe here)
  • 6 emmentaler slices
  • 1 large tomato
  • 1 red onion
  • iceberg salad
  • sugar-free ketchup
  • homemade mayonnaise

First heat up the grill :) Grind the roughly chopped meat using the meat grinder, then transfer to a bowl with salt and pepper and knead well using your fingers.

Form 140 g balls, flatten them with your hand and give them a burger shape. I like to use a special tool for that :) Cook them for about 3-4 min on each side until fully cooked, depending on their size.

Assemble the burgers: cut the buns in half, add ketchup and mayonnaise on them, add the meat patties, sliced cheese (you can use any cheese that melts), tomato slices, onion slices, salad. Enjoy!

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