E o placere sa te plimbi prin piata in perioada aceasta! Fructe, legume, verdeturi care mai de care mai apetisante. Azi mi-au facut cu ochiul cartofii noi asa ca am pregatit o cina super simpla si gustoasa. Cartofi noi la cuptor cu marar. Un deliciu al lunii mai :)


  • 1 kg cartofi noi
  • 4-5 lg ulei de masline
  • 1 legatura de marar
  • sare si piper
  • legume proaspete pentru servit

Spalam bine cartofii, eventual cu un burete curat, astfel incat sa inlaturam orice mizerie de pe coaja. In functie de cat de mari sunt ii taiem sau nu, apoi ii mozolim bine cu sare, piper si ulei de masline si ii punem intr-o tava.

Nu trebuie sa se suprapuna, ca sa iasa cat mai crocanti :) Ii coacem la foc mediu spre mare cam 40 de min (in functie de cuptor), pana se rumenesc frumos. Ii servim cu marar tocat si cu legume proaspete. Pofta mare!

*Baby-friendly: folositi foarte putina sare doar dupa varsta de 1 an, iar piper cu masura, fiind un condiment puternic si iritant gastric.


I love going to the farmers’ market this time of the year! Fruit, vegetables, herbs, all so appealing. Today I craved for some new potatoes so I prepared a simple and delicious dinner. Roasted new potatoes with dill. A May delight :)


  • 1 kg new potatoes
  • 4-5 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 bunch of dill
  • salt and pepper
  • fresh vegetables for serving

Wash the potatoes really well, eventually scrub them with a clean sponge to remove any dirt. Depending on their size, chop them or not, dip them in olive oil, salt and pepper and place them on a tray. They must not overlap to get as crispy as possible :)  Bake them at medium-high heat until nice and brownish. Serve with chopped dill and fresh vegetables. Enjoy!

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