Va da tarcoale o raceala nesuferita? Fear not, v-am pregatit o licoare miraculoasa, delicioasa si revigoranta. Ghimbirul e foarte bun in perioada rece pentru ca incalzeste si energizeaza organismul, e excelent pentru persoanele cu extremitati reci si, as a bonus, combate si balonarea :). Un Fervex home-made mai eficient si muuult mai sanatos :D Ceai de ghimbir, lamaie si menta.

Ingrediente (2 portii):

  • 500ml apa plata
  • 1 bucata de ghimbir (cam de 1-2 cm)
  • 1 lamaie cu tot cu coaja
  • cateva frunze de menta
  • 1-2 lgt miere (sau indulcitorul natural preferat, dupa gust)

Punem apa la fiert, curatam ghimbirul de coaja si il dam pe razatoare. Taiem lamaia intreaga in 4 si o punem in apa alaturi de ghimbir. Fierbem cam 5 min, apoi adaugam indulcitorul si frunzele de menta rupte putin pentru a-si raspandi aroma. Strecuram si savuram fierbinte. Mmmmmm… :)


A nasty cold is right around the corner? Fear not, I prepared for you a miraculous drink, delicious and reinvigorating. Ginger is really good in the cold season because it energizes and warms us up, it’s also excellent for people with cold feet and, as a bonus, it great for bloating as well :) A home made Fervex, but more efficient and waay healthier :D

Ingredients (2 servings):

  • 500 ml water
  • 1 piece of ginger (about 1-2 cm)
  • 1 lemon
  • a couple of mint leaves
  • 1-2 tsp honey (or favorite natural sweetener, to taste)

Bring the water to a boil, peel the ginger and grate it. Cut the lemon in 4 pieces and put it in the water next to the ginger. Boil for about 5 min, then add the sweetener and mint leaves torn with your hands to release the flavors. Drain and enjoy hot. Mmmmmm… :)

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