Deci va zic sincer ca am dat lovitura cu reteta aceasta! :)) Este cel mai bun desert din lumeeee :D Si garantez ca oricine il mananca NU isi da seama ca nu contine zahar alb, gluten, cereale :) Cel mai bun tiramisu keto! Aveti mai jos toate imaginile din timpul prepararii, deci like&share, zic! :D
Ingrediente (9 portii):
- Piscoturi: pandispan keto* (reteta aici)
- Crema: 500g mascarpone
- 60g eritritol
- 1 lgt extract de vanilie
- 2 oua
- Sirop: 80ml espresso tare
- 10 pic Green Sugar caramel
- 1 lg rom
- Topping: cacao
Baza de piscot se face taind cubuletele de pandispan in jumatate, eu am taiat chiar unele bucati mai groase in 3. Pentru sirop amestecam bine cafeaua, romul si indulcitorul natural cu caramel. Eu am si gustat, este o cafea super misto, hac! :)))
Pentru crema batem spuma ouale cu indulcitorul, apoi punem totul la bain marie, deasupra unui vas cu apa care fierbe incet si amestecam cu telul pana se ingroasa crema, cam 8 min. Dupa ce se raceste aceasta compozitie, o mixam impreuna cu branza mascarpone si vanilia.
Asamblare: Tapetam o tava micuta patrata (15*15 cm,) cu folie alimentara si asezam un strat de pandispan*. Il insiropam cu siropul de cafea, apoi adaugam 1/3 din crema, mai adaugam inca un strat de piscoturi si tot asa :)
Mie mi-au iesit 3 straturi de piscot si 3 de crema. Introducem tiramisu la frigider minim 2 ore, pentru a se insiropa bine si imbina aromele. Se serveste pudrat cu cacao. E DI-VIN!!!!! Tiramisu keto.
- Am folosit 9 din cele 12 patratele de pandispan
- In functie de forma folosita va recomand sa faceti o simulare, adica sa aranjati toate bucatile de pandispan pentru a vedea cate straturi ies, sa vedeti cum trebuie sa impartiti crema.
- Ies cam 9 portii, 9 cubulete micute; desi e sanatos, tot desert e si trebuie consumat ocazional si cu masura :)
So I am proud to say I hit the Jackpot with this recipe! :)) This is just the best dessert in the world :D And I guarantee anyone who taste it won’t even guess it is sugar/gluten/grain free, low carb, keto and packed with so many nutrients :) The best keto tiramisu ever! And without raw eggs. You have all the step by step photos above, so Like & Share! :D
Ingredients (9 servings):
- Ladyfingers: keto sponge cake* (recipe here)
- Custard: 500 g mascarpone
- 60 g erythritol
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- 2 eggs
- Syrup: 80 ml strong espresso
- 10 drops caramel stevia
- 1 tbsp rum
- Topping: cocoa
Cut the sponge cake squares in half, I even cut some big pieces in 3. For the syrup mix the coffee, stevia caramel and rum. I tasted it, it’s a really cool coffee! :)))
For the custard whisk the eggs and sweetener until fluffy, then cook it over a pot of simmering water (bain marie) for about 8 min, until it thickens. Chill and whisk with the mascarpone and vanilla.
Assembly: Line a square dish with clingfilm and place a layer of sponge cake. Drizzle the syrup, then add 1/3 of the custard. Go on until you run out of ladyfingers and custard. I got 3 layers each.
Place the tiramisu in the fridge for at least 2 hours, to get moist and so that the flavors combine. Serve powdered with cocoa. It’s just DIVINE!!!
- I used 9 from the 12 sponge cake squares
- Depending on the dish you use, I recommend you first arrange all the ladyfingers in the dish to see how many layers you get. This way you know how to divide the filling.
- These quantities make about 9 small servings. Although healthy, it’s still dessert and needs to be served occasionally and in moderation :)
Imi plac super mult retetele tale, am facut cateva din ele, toate au iesit delicioase… vreau sa incerc si tiramisu keto zilele astea. Singurul minus pe care il vad eu, e ca nu este scris cate calorii, grasimi, proteine, carbs (respectiv net carbs) in reteta (per total, ca apoi fiecare isi imparte portia la cat considera). Cred ca ne-ar ajuta foarte mult asta, mai ales pe incepatori.
Buna Ioana, iti multumesc pentru cuvintele de lauda, iau in calcul si adaugarea informatiilor nutritionale, cel putin la retetele keto si low carb. Pupici! :)