Baby friendly banana bread. Aveam 2 banane maronii pe care am vrut sa le salvez asa ca am facut pentru Teo banana bread baby friendly, a iesit super buna, desi nu am folosit deloc nici un indulcitor, yei! A iesit aromata de la banane, vanilie si scotisoara, consistenta de la oua de tara si unt, mmmm… Si am fost bucuroasa ca a mancat si i-a placut si Ilincai :) E foarte usor de facut si la va placea mult celor mici :) Va invit sa vizionati AICI si reteta video


Separam ouale, batem albusurile spuma. Separat pasam bananele cu furculita, apoi le amestecam cu galbenusurile si untul* moale, la temperatura camerei (sau unt topit, vezi mai jos varianta pentru reteta fara lactoza).

Micsoram viteza mixerului si adaugam amestecul de galbenusuri, pana la incorporarare. Separat amestecam faina, praful de copt, vanilia si scortisoara.

Incorporam usor amestecul uscat in cel umed, cu miscari circulare. Ungem cu ulei si tapetam o tava micuta de chec (21*11 cm, ca aceasta) cu hartie de copt, turnam compozitia si o nivelam frumos. Asezam feliile de la extra banana pe chec si coacem aprox 40-45 min la 170C, pana trece testul scobitorii si e rrrrumena si frumoasa :)

Pofta mare, pitici! Baby friendly banana bread

*Dairy free (fara lactoza): in loc de unt se pot folosi ulei de cocos sau unt vegan, cum e cel de la Naturli


I had 2 brown bananas and, in order to save them, I decided to make a baby friendly banana bread for Teo :) This recipe, although sweetened only by bananas, is so full of flavor and rich, you will love it :) The scent of cinnamon, vanilla, nutritious from the eggs and butter, mmmm… Also it’s super easy to make and your little ones will love it!


  • 2 ripe bananas (190 g peeled)
  • 4 eggs
  • 150 g flour
  • 60 g melted butter (or coconut oil/vegan butter*)
  • 1/2 tsp organic baking powder
  • 1/4 tsp vanilla powder
  • 1/2 tsp Ceylon cinnamon
  • 1/2 sliced banana for the topping

Separate eggs, beat the egg whites until they form stiff peaks. Separately mash the bananas with a fork, then mix them with the egg yolks and softened butter (at room temperature, check the end of the article for dairy free version).

Lower the mixer speed and add the egg mixture until fully incorporated. Separately combine the flour, baking powder, vanilla and cinnamon.

Gently fold in the dry mixture into the wet one, with circular movements. Pour the batter in a bun pan (21*11 cm) lined with baking paper, level nicely and arrange banana slices on top. Bake for about 40-45 min at 170 C, until a skewer inserted in the center comes out clean and it’s lovely golden :)

*Dairy free: instead of butter you can use coconut oil or vegan butter.

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