Un chec cu nuca pentru copii gustos si pufos e mereu binevenit, iar aceasta varianta e si mai hranitoare pentru ca are si nuca si e indulcit cu putina miere doar, o lingura la tot checul :) Dar uitati ce bine arata, este chiar pufos si aromat, noi l-am savurat cald cu putin unt pe post de mic dejun :) Yummy si perfect pentru pitici! Daca piticii vostri sunt fani nuca, va recomand si aceste fursecuri fragede cu nuca :)
- 4 oua
- 4 lg faina (85g)
- 4 lg nuca macinata (45g)
- 1 lg ulei de cocos/unt topit*
- 1 lg mare de miere
- 1 lgt praf de copt bio
- 1/2 lgt pudra de vanilie
Separam ouale si batem albusurile spuma cu un praf de sare, pana devin ferme. Separat amestecam mierea, uleiul de cocos si galbenusurile. Amestecam faina, nuca macinata, praful de copt si vanilia.
Micsoram viteza mixerului la minim si adaugam intai amestecul de galbenusuri, apoi pe cel de faina. Puteti incorpora aceste amestecuri si manual, usor cu o spatula, pentru a pastra compozitia aerata si pufoasa.
Turnam compozitia intr-o forma micuta de chec si il coacem cam 25 de min in cuptorul preincalzit la 180C, trece testul scobitorii. Lasam checul in tava 5 min, apoi il scoatem si il punem pe un gratar, lasandu-l sa se raceasca de tot. Pofta mare la chec cu nuca pentru copii!
*In caz de intoleranta la lactoza folositi ulei de cocos in loc de unt. Mierea este interzisa copiilor sub 1 an!
A tasty fluffy sponge cake is always welcomed and this version of mine is even more nutritious because it contains walnuts and it’s sweetened with only a tablespoon of honey :) But look how nice and fluffy it looks, we enjoyed it with a little butter for breakfast, yumm! And just perfect for kids! :)
- 4 eggs
- 4 tbsp flour (85 g)
- 4 tbsp ground walnuts (45 g)
- 1 tbsp coconut oil
- 1 large tbsp of honey
- 1 tsp organic baking powder
- 1/2 tsp vanilla powder
Separate the eggs and beat the egg whites until they form stiff peaks. Separately: 1. Mix the egg yolks, honey and coconut oil. 2. Combine the flour, ground walnuts, baking powder and vanilla.
Lower the mixer speed and gently add in the egg yolk mixture, then the flour one. You can fold in these 2 mixtures by hand, slowly, using a spatula and circular down up movement, to keep the dough light and fluffy.
Pour the mixture in a small pound cake pan and bake in the preheated oven at 180 C for about 25 min, until a skewer inserted in the center comes out clean. let it cool for 5 min, then remove from the pan and slice. Enjoy!