Checul e unul din deserturile simple si mult indragite ale copilariei, o felie mare alaturi de o cana de ceai aromat parca ma zboara in vremurile acelea frumoase… Pe voi nu? Incercati acest chec pufos cu vanilie, e absolut perfect, pufos ca un norisor :)


Separam ouale si, folosind un mixer, batem albusurile spuma cu un praf de sare. Cand incep sa se intareasca adaugam treptat zaharul, mixand in continuare. Batem usor cu furculita intr-un bol galbenusurile, uleiul, vanilia si coaja rasa fin de la o lamaie.

In amestecul de albusuri incepem sa adaugam, putin cate putin pe cel de galbenusuri, incorporand totul usor cu o spatula, cu miscari de sus in jos, pentru a pastra cat mai mult aer in compozitie. Dupa ce am terminat amestecul de galbenusuri, incepem sa incorporam la fel, tot putin cate putin, faina cernuta cu praful de copt si un praf de sare.

Punem compozitia intr-o tava mai mare de chec (sau de cozonac, aprox 28*13cm) unsa cu putin ulei si tapetata cu hartie de copt si coacem checul aprox 45-50 de min la 170C, pana trece testul scobitorii si se rumeneste putin la suprafata. Il scoatem din forma si-l lasam sa se raceasca de tot, inainte sa il feliem. Pofta mare! :)

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*La reteta pas cu pas in imagini am folosit zahar brun nerafinat melasa (de unde culoarea maronie) si am copt pandispanul intr-o tava de aprox 20*30cm.


Sponge cake is one of childhood’s most simple and beloved desserts, it’s wonderful  next to a cup of warm tea… Try this fluffy vanilla sponge cake, it’s absolutely perfect! :)


  • 5 eggs
  • 200 g brown sugar
  • 200 g whole purpose flour
  • zest or 1 lemon
  • 4 tbsp vegetable oil
  • 2 tsp natural vanilla extract
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 1 pinch of salt

Separate the eggs and, using a mixer, beat the egg whites with a pinch of salt. When they begin to harden, start adding the sugar and keep mixing. Lightly beat the egg yolks, oil and orange zest in a bowl, with a fork.

Start incorporating the egg yolk mixture in the egg white mixture, little by little, with a spatula, using up and down movements, in order to keep as much air as possible. Then incorporate the flour sifted with the baking soda, again little by little, with the same up and down movements.

Put the mixture in a rectangular sponge cake pan (28*13 cm) greased with oil and lined with baking paper; bake the cake at 170 C for about 45-50 min, until a skewer inserted in the center comes out clean. Take out of the pan, let it cool completely, then slice. Enjoy! :)

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