Am fost invitata de Dr. Schar Romania si Gourmandelle sa gatesc sanatos si fara gluten cu produsele lor minunate. Exact ceea ce imi place mie mai mult :) Si cum tocmai am primit de la o draga matusa de-a mea din Campulung un cos cu mure din gradina ei, am stiu exact ce am de facut :) Acest cheesecake fara gluten cu mure efectiv mi-a dat pe spate musafirii! Mierea si vanilia confera cremei de branza o aroma superba. Iar murele insiropate… Absolut divine! Sa va mai zic ca nimeni nu s-a prins ca desertul meu nu contine gluten? :)



  • 500g mascarpone
  • 350g iaurt grecesc gras
  • 3-4 lg miere*
  • 1 lgt esenta naturala de vanilie
  • 1 pliculet de gelatina vegetala


  • 250g mure
  • 2 lg miere
  • 2 lgt esenta naturala de vanilie

In primul rand mozolim bine murele cu mierea si 2 lingurite de esenta de vanilie :) Le lasam sa se inmoaie si sa se indulceasca peste noapte. Murele de toamna sunt mai acrisoare fata de suratele lor mai tinere :)

Blat: sfaramam biscuitii intr-o punga sau in robotul de bucatarie si ii amestecam cu uleiul de cocos si scortisoara. Presam bine acest amestec intr-o tava rotunda cu fund detasabil (a mea are 22cm diametru).

Crema: batem bine cu mixerul branza mascarpone, iaurtul, mierea si 1 lingurita de esenta de vanilie. Adaugam gelatina dizolvata in 50ml de apa fierbinte si mai mixam putin. Turnam crema fina obtinuta peste blatul de biscuiti si punem cheesecake-ul in frigider sa se intareasca. Eu il pun chiar in congelator putin pentru a-l putea savura mai repede :)

Topping: inainte de servire decoram cu murele macerate in miere si vanilie. Si siropul lasat de ele deasupra. Senzatia senzatiilor! :) Pofta mare!

*Baby-friendly: mierea se ofera copiilor numai dupa varsta de 1 an, cu masura.


A dear aunt of mine sent me a basket full of blackberries, so I had to honor the present the right way :) This gluten-free blackberry cheesecake really impressed my guests! The honey and vanilla give the cheese filling a wonderful flavor. And the moist, sweet&sour blackberries… Absolutely divine! Should I also mention that no one could tell my dessert was gluten-free? :)


  • 200 g gluten-free cookies
  • 100 ml coconut oil (or melted butter)
  • 1 tsp cinnamon


  • 500 g mascarpone (or ricotta)
  • 350 g full fat Greek yogurt
  • 3-4 tbsp honey
  • 1 tsp natural vanilla essence
  • 1 sachet vegetable gelatin


  • 250 g blackberries
  • 2 tbsp honey
  • 2 tsp natural vanilla essence

First of all, cover the blackberries in honey and 2 teaspoons natural vanilla essence :) Let them soak over night. Autumn blackberries are more sour than their younger sisters :)

Crust: process the cookies into crumbs and mix them with the coconut oil and cinnamon. Press the mixture into the bottom of a round pan lined with baking paper (mine has 22 cm diameter).

Filling: whisk really well the mascarpone cheese with the yogurt, honey and 1 teaspoon vanilla essence. Add the gelatin dissolved in 50 ml of hot water and whisk some more. Pour the smooth cream you obtain over the cookie crust and put the cake in the fridge to cool. I like to put it in the freezer for a little while, to be able to enjoy it faster :D

Topping: before serving, decorate the cheesecake with the moist blackberries and pour their syrup on top. Sensational! Enjoy!

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