Deci acest cheesecake japonez keto este cevaaaaaaa, parca musti dintr-un norisor, OMG, este cel mai pufos si gustos cheesecake pe care l-am mancat, si este fara zahar, fara gluten, low carb si keto, sa ne intelegem, da? :))) E, cum ar veni, a dream come true, zau :) Si e de prisos mentiunea ca se TOPESTE in gura, nu degeaba i se spune si „cotton cheesecake” :) (10 felii a cate 156 cal si 2g net carbs)

Ingrediente (10 felii):

Separam ouale, apoi batem galbenusurile cu crema de branza, 2 treimi din indulcitor si vanilia, pana la omogenizare. Separat batem albusurile spuma cu un praf de sare, adaugam apoi restul de indulcitor si batem totul pana obtinem o bezea lucioasa.

Incorporam amestecul de galbenusuri in cel de albus in 2 transe si usor, cu o spatula, folosind miscari circulare de jos in sus, ca sa pastram compozitia aerata.

Incorporam si faina de cocos si praful de copt cernute cu aceleasi miscari. Ungem o forma de tort (25cm diametru, laterale de silicon si fund detasabil) cu ulei si o infasuram in folie de aluminiu, turnam compozitia apoi asezam forma intr-o tava umpluta cu apa.

Coacem cheesecake-ul 20 de min la 170C, apoi micsoram temperatura cuptorului la 150C inca 30 de min. Il lasam sa se raceasca in tava, apoi il scoatem usor din forma, il pudram cu indulcitor si il feliem. Aceste cheesecake japonez keto e minunat servit cu gem sau dulceata fara zahar. Pofta mare!


SO this keto Japanese cotton cheesecake is THE BOMB, it’s like biting from a sweet cloud, it’s the best cheesecake I’ve ever had and it’s sugar free, gluten free, grain free, low carb and keto, ok? :)))) It’s kinda like a dream come true, I swear :) And it absolutely melts in your melts, no wonder they call it „cotton cheesecake” :)

Ingredients (10 slices):

  • 6 eggs
  • 300 g cream cheese
  • 80 g powdered Green Sugar
  • 2 tbsp coconut flour
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 2 tsp vanilla extract
  • powdered Green Sugar for dusting
  • fresh fruit or sugar free jam/preserve for the topping

Separate the egg, beat the egg yolks, cream cheese, 2/3 of the sweetener and vanilla until smooth. Separately beat the egg whites with a pinch of salt until foamy, then add the rest of the sweetener and beat them until they form stiff peaks.

Gently fold in the egg yolk mixture into the egg white one slowly, in 2 batches, with a spatula and using circular movements to keep the mixture fluffy.

Fold in the sifted coconut flour and baking powder, too, with the same movements. Line a cake pan with aluminium foil (25 cm diameter, silicon sides and detachable base), pour the mixture into it. Place the pan in another large tray filled halfway with water and bake for 20 min at 170C, then lower the oven temperature to 150C and bake 30 more min.

Let the cheesecake cool, then remove from the pan, powder with sweetener and slice. It’s amazing with sugar free jam or preserve :) Enjoy!

8 Comments on Cheesecake japonez keto / Keto Japanese cotton cheesecake

  1. Care este ideea formei de tort cu laterale din silicon? Nu s-ar putea folosi o forma normala cu laterale din același material cu baza? Mulțumesc

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