Incepem noul in forta cu un desert spectaculos! :) Cheesecake Tiramisu keto. Super bun si chiar usor de facut, fara coacere. Un cheesecake demential care va va indulci fara zahar alb, gluten, cereale si cu putiiiini carbohidrati :) La multi ani, 2020!



  • 250g mascarpone
  • 400g crema de branza
  • 100ml smantana lichida*
  • 100g indulcitor Edulcorem
  • 50ml espresso tare
  • 1 pliculet de gelatina
  • 2 lgt cafea instant
  • 1 lgt extract de vanilie
  • 1 lgt esenta de rom

Pentu blat amestecam faina de migdale, untul topit, pudra de cacao, cafeaua instant si indulcitorul pana la omogenizare. Eu nu am amestecat complet, mi-a placut efectul marmorat, cu firicele de maro :) Ungem cu unt o forma de tort cu baza detasabila (23 cm diametru), o tapetam cu hartie de copt si presam uniform compozitia pe baza acesteia.

Pentru crema: dizolvam gelatina si nessul in cafeaua espresso, amestecam bine. Batem cu mixerul branza mascarpone, crema de branza si indulcitorul, adaugam apoi si smantana lichida, amestecul de cafea, vanilia si romul.

Mixam pana crema e fina, apoi o turnam peste blat si introducem cheesecake-ul la rece, sa se intareasca. E bine sa puneti si o folie transparenta deasupra, pentru a nu prelua diverse mirosuri din frigider. Il decoram cu frisca fara zahar si cacao pudra :) Sa aveti un an minunat!

*Smantana lichida fara caragenan am gasit pana acum doar aceste 3 sortimente: Laptaria cu Caimac, Sanlacta, Artesana si Ken Nata (cu 35% sau 38% grasime, se cumpara doar online). Smantana fara caragenan trebuie batuta cu putina zeama de lamaie, pentru a se intari, fiind naturala. Daca ati mai descoperit vreun alt brand, dati-mi de stire :)


Start the year fresh with a spectacular dessert! Keto Tiramisu cheesecake. So tasty and easy to make, it’s a no bake treat that has no sugar, gluten or grains :) Happy new year!


  • 200 g almond flour
  • 100 g butter
  • 1 tsp instant coffee
  • 1 tbsp cocoa
  • 50 g erithritol


  • 250 g mascarpone
  • 400 g cream cheese
  • 100 ml heavy cream
  • 100 g erithritol
  • 50 ml strong espresso
  • 1 sachet of gelatin
  • 2 tsp instant coffee
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1 tsp rum esence

For the base layer mix the almond flour, melted butter, cocoa, instant coffee and sweetener until smooth. I did not mix completely, I liked the way the brown swirls :) Grease a springform pan (23 cm diameter) with butter and line with baking paper, the press the mixture into the bottom of the pan.

For the filling: dissolve the gelatin and instant coffee in the hot coffee, mix well. Whisk the cream cheese, mascarpone and sweetener until smooth, then add the heavy cream, coffee mix, vanilla and rum. Mix until smooth and silky.

Pour the filling over the base and place the cheesecake in the fridge until set. It’s good to wrap it in clingfilm, not to take the smell from other stuff in the fridge. Decorate with whipping cream and cocoa powder. May you have a lovely new year!

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