Un cheesecake fara „cheese” :)
Blat croncant, crema fina si densa de cocos cu aroma usoara de vanilie si indulcita natural… Va mai zic doar ca toti cei care au mancat au mai cerut o portie si au zis ca nu stiau ca torturile de post pot fi atat de gustoase :D Cheesecake vegan de cocos.
- 250g biscuiti integrali
- 3 lg sirop de agave
- 3 lg lapte de migdale
- 1 lg cacao
- 500ml crema de cocos
- 250g caju crud hidratat cu o seara inainte
- 2 banane
- 4 lg sirop de agave
- 4 lg ulei de cocos
- semintele de la 1 pastaie de vanilie
- dulceata de afine
Blatul: Maruntim biscuitii cu robotul sau ii zdrobim intr-o punga cu un facalet. Ii amestecam apoi cu sirop de agave, lapte vegetal si cacao. Presam bine compozitia rezultata pe fundul unei tavi rotunde cu pereti detasabili, tapetata cu hartie de copt (a mea are diametru de 22cm).
Crema: Mixam toate ingredientele, mai putin uleiul de cocos, in robotul de bucatarie pana rezulta o crema fina. Apoi adaugam si uleiul de cocos si mai mixam putin pana la incorporarea acestuia. Turnam crema se aseaza peste blat si o nivelam cu o spatula.
Cheesecakeul trebuie sa stea in congelator pana se intareste suficient si se scoate inainte cu o ora inainte de servire. Asezam frumos bobite de afine din dulceata si savuram… :) Pofta mare!
A cheese-less cheesecake :) Crunchy crust, smooth, dense coconut filling with a hint of vanilla flavor, sweetened with agave syrup… All I have to say is that everyone who tastes the cake asked for another slice and they told me they had no idea vegan cakes can be so delicious :D
- 250 g whole wheat biscuits
- 3 tbsp agave syrup
- 3 tbsp almond milk
- 1 tbsp cocoa
- 500 ml coconut cream
- 250 g cashew soaked a night before
- 2 bananas
- 4 tbsp agave syrup
- 4 tbsp coconut oil
- seeds from 1 vanilla bean
- blueberry preserve
Crust: Process the biscuits into crumbs or smash them in a bag with a rolling pin. Then mix them with the agave syrup, vegetable milk and cocoa. Press the mixture on the bottom of a pan that’s been lined with baking paper (22 cm diameter).
Filling: Process all the ingredients, except coconut oil, in the food processor until smooth. Then add the coconut butter oil and process some more until it’s perfectly incorporated. Pour the cream over the crust and level with a spatula.
The cheesecake has to stay in the freezer until it sets and must be taken out 1 hour before serving. Nicely arrange blueberries from the preserve on top and… :) dig in!