Iata inca o reteta de chifle keto, de data aceasta cu seminte de chia in compozitie. Sunt bune mai ales taiate in jumatate si prajite, cu unt si dulceata de mure sau ce dulceata va place :) Nu sunt pufoase, sunt mai degraba ca niste chifle integrale mai dense, dar mie imi plac foarte mult si cantitatile sunt usor de dublat :)
Ingrediente (5 chifle):
- 100g faina de migdale
- 15g faina de cocos
- 20g psyllium
- 2 oua
- 150g smantana*
- 30g seminte de chia
- 1/2 lgt praf de copt
- 1/2 lgt sare
- 2 lg seminte de floarea soarelui
Mixam ouale cu smantana (*normala fermentata, nu din aceea lichida pt frisca), adaugam faina de migdale, faina de cocos, praful de copt si sarea si mai mixam putin.
Apoi adaugam semintele de pysllium, semintele de chia si 1 lingura din semintele de floarea soarelui. Modelam 5 bilute, le asezam pe o tava tapetata cu hartie de copt si le aplatizam usor.
Presaram deasupra restul de seminte de floarea soarelui si coacem chiflele cam 20-25 de min la 170C, pana se rumenesc putin la baza si trec testul scobitorii. Se taie reci, pofta mare! :)
*Reteta inspirata si adaptata de aici.
Here is another great keto buns recipe, this time with chia seeds. They are great especially cut in half and toasted, with butter an blackberry jam or any favorite jam :) They are not fluffy, they’re more like some dense wholegrain buns, but I really like them and the quantities are easy to double :)
Ingredients (5 buns):
- 100 g almond flour
- 15 g coconut flour
- 20 g psyllium husk
- 2 eggs
- 150 g sour cream
- 30 g chia seeds
- 1/2 tsp baking powder
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 2 tbsp sunflower seeds
Mix the eggs and sour cream, add the almond flour, coconut flour, baking powder and salt, mix some more.
Then add the psyllum husk, chia seeds and 1 tablespoon of the sunflower seeds. Mold 5 balls, place them on a tray lined with baking paper and gently flatten them.
Sprinkle the remaining sunflower seeds on top and bake the buns for about 20-25 min at 170 C, until they are a little brown on the base and a skewer inserted in the center comes put clean. Cut them cold, enjoy!