Aceste chiftelute de peste sunt foarte, foarte gustoase, sanatoase pentru ca nu le prajim (doamne fereste! :)) si chiar dietetice. Sunt minunate cu o salata mare sau cu un piure de conopida sau radacinoase alaturi. Mmmmmm… :)
- 4 fileuri de pastrav
- 1 conserva de ton in suc propriu
- 2 oua
- 1 ceapa verde
- cateva fire de marar
- 2 lg crema de branza
- 2 lg faina de orez integral
- 100g seminte de susan
- sare, piper*
Fierbem fileurile de peste, le indepartam pielea si le punem in robot alaturi de: tonul bine scurs, ouale, ceapa verde taiata, mararul, crema de branza, faina de orez (pentru a lega putin compozitia), sare si piper.
Mixam bine, apoi modelam chiftelute pe care le tavalim prin susan. Compozitia e destul de moale si va „manca” destul susan :) Punem chiftelutele in tava tapetata cu hartie de copt si le coacem la cuptorul incins la 170 de grade pentru aprox 20-25 de minute. Pofta mare!
*Baby-friendly: folositi foarte putina sare doar dupa varsta de 1 an, iar piper cu masura, fiind un condiment puternic si iritant gastric.
These fish meatballs are sooooo tasty, healthy because we don’t fry them in oil (God forbid! :)) and perfect if you’re on a diet. They’re simply great to enjoy next to a big salad or mashed cauliflower. Mmmmmm… :)
- 4 trout fillets
- 1 can of tuna in brine
- 2 eggs
- 1 spring onion
- a few threads of dill
- 2 tbsp cream cheese
- 2 tbsp brown rice flour
- 100 g sesame seeds
- salt and pepper
Boil the fillets, remove their skin and bones (if they have any) and put them in the food processor together with the: well drained tuna, eggs, chopped spring onion, dill, cream cheese, flour (to hold the mixture), salt and pepper.
Process until smooth, then mold meatballs and roll them in sesame seeds. The mixture is very soft and it will absorb lots of sesame seeds :) Put the meatballs on a tray lined with baking paper and bake them for about 20-25 min at 170 C. Enjoy!