Noi adoram chiftelutele, dar ce ne facem cu prajeala in baie de ulei, stropitul si mirosul? Ei bine, prajim sanatos cu friteuza Airfryer, ultima descoperire in materie de gatit sanatos :) Datorita acesteia pot face pentru intreaga familie chestii „prajite” sanatoase si gustoase: cartofi, chiftelute, aripioare picante, and sooo much more. Si nu, nu se compara cu aceleasi mancaruri facute la cuptor cu ventilatie, trust me :)
Ingrediente (22 buc):
- 500g carne de pui
- 1 ceapa
- 1 morcov
- 3 catei de usturoi
- 1 ou de tara
- 1/2 legatura de marar
- sare, piper
- 1 lingura de ulei (optional)
Tocam carnea cu ajutorul masinii de tocat sau robotului de bucatarie. Dam pe razatoare morcovul, tocam marunt ceapa, mararul si cateii de usturoi, apoi amestecam bine toate ingredientele cu o spatula, pana la omogenizare. Folositi-va mainile, daca va e mai usor :) Modelam chiftelute de dimensiunea mingilor de ping pong.
Incingem Airfryerul la 180C 15 min, apoi asezam cu grija in vasul acestuia pe gratar chiftelutele modelate anterior. Optional puteti pulveriza o lingura de ulei peste ele, cele din imagine sunt preparate fara.
Le gatim 20 de minute in Airfryer, pana se rumenesc frumos, intorcandu-le la jumatatea timpului. Din aceste cantitati ies aprox 22 de chiftelute care se gatesc in 2 transe. Sunt foarte foarte bune, Ilinca le rontaie ca pe pufuleti, iar de cartofii „prajiti” nu mai zic, sunt viata ei! :))))
*Aceasta postare nu este una platita, chiar sunt foarte incantata de Airfryer si il gasiti la reducere zilele acestea aici :) Daca va permit spatiul, bugetul si va pasa ce mancati, chiar merita! E ideal pentru copii, foarte usor de folosit si se spala la masina. Ma felicit mereu singura pentru achizitionarea lui :))
**Baby-friendly: folositi foarte putina sare doar dupa varsta de 1 an, iar piper cu masura, fiind un condiment puternic si iritant gastric.
We love meatballs, but what about the frying, dirt and smell? Well, we use the healthy Airfryer, the latest health cooking discovery :) I can make healthy „fried” stuff for my entire family: french fries, meatballs, chicken wings and sooo much more. And no, they don’t compare to the same oven cooked meals, trust me :)
Ingredients (22 pcs):
- 500 g free range chicken meat
- 1 onion
- 1 carrot
- 3 cloves of garlic
- 1 egg
- 1/2 bunch of dill
- salt, pepper
- 1 tbsp oil (optional)
Grind the meat using a meat grinder or food processor. Grate the carrot, finely dice the onion, dill and garlic cloves, then mix everything well with a spatula. Use your hands, if you like :) Mold meatballs the size of ping pong balls.
Heat the Airfryer at 180 C for 15 min, then put the meatballs in the pan, on the grill. You can optionally spray very little oil over them, I didn’t this time. Cook them 20 min in the Airfryer, turning them halfway.
These quantities make about 22 meatballs, cooked in 2 parts. They’re very very good, Ilinca loves them and chews them like popcorn, not to mention the Air-fried potatoes, she’s addicted to them! :))
*This is not a sponsored post, I just really love the Airfryer :) If you have enough room in your kitchen, if can afford it and if you care about what you eat, it’s really worth it! Perfect for cooking healthy meals for you children, easy to use and also dishwasher safe, I frequently congratulate myself for buying it :))
Thanks For Sharing this amazing recipe. My family loved it. I will be sharing this recipe with my friends. Hope the will like it.