In general incerc sa nu mananc chipsuri din comert. Eh, nu-mi iese mereu figura :)) Si cum cheful de rontaiala vine seara la un film, imi fac chipsuri de cartofi la cuptor, mult mai sanatoase, cu muult mai putine calorii. In plus, prin aceasta metoda de preparare pastram beneficiile cartofului, care nu’s chiar de lepadat :) Rontaiala placuta!


  • 4-5 cartofi maricei
  • 2-3 lg ulei vegetal
  • 1 lgt pudra de ceapa
  • 1 lgt pudra de usturoi
  • sare dupa preferinte

Curatam cartofii de coaja si ii taiem rondele subtirele, cam de 2mm.Ii mozolim bine cu ulei si condimente si ii intindem intr-un singur strat pe o tava in care am pus hartie de copt. Avem grija sa nu ii suprapunem, pentru a se coace cat mai uniform si mai crocant :)

Ii coacem cam 30 de minute (in functie de cuptor si de cat de grosi i-ati taiat), pana se rumenesc frumos, iar in ultimele minute pornim ventilatia. Pofta mare!

*Baby-friendly: folosit sare cu masura si doar dupa varsta de 1 an.


I don’t usually eat store bought potato chips. But thing’s don’t always turn out the right way :)) And since a movie requires some nibbling, I bake my own potato chips. They’re so much healthier with much fewer calories and this way of cooking preserves potato’s nutritional benefits :)


  • 4-5 large potatoes
  • 2-3 tbsp vegetable oil
  • 1 tsp onion powder
  • 1 tsp garlic powder
  • salt

Peel the potatoes and cut them into aprox 2 mm thick slices. Generously dip them in oil and the other spices and arrange them on a baking tray lined with paper. Bake for about 30 min (depending on the oven and on how thick you’ve cut them), until they are nice and crisp, and turn on the ventilation in the last minutes. Enjoy!

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