Am pregatit pentru voi niste chipsuri delicioase si aromate care dau dependenta :) Chipsuri de telina. O rontaiala sanatoasa, usoara si plina de vitamine si fibre. Le putem servi si ca garnitura :)
- 1 telina mare
- 3 lg ulei de masline
- 1 lg ceapa granulata
- 1 lg sare de Himalaya
- 1 lgt oregano uscat
- 1 lgt cimbru uscat
Curatam telina de coaja si o taiem bastonase pe care le punem intr-un bol mare. Adaugam uleiul de masline, ceapa, sarea si ierburile uscate si mozolim bine tot, apoi asezam bastonasele intr-o tava intinsa tapetata cu hartie de copt.
Avem grija sa fie intinse intr-un singur strat, astfel incat sa nu se suprapuna unele cu altele. Coacem totul cam 40-50 de minute, pana se rumenesc frumos chipsurile noastre. Pofta mare!
*Baby-friendly: folositi foarte putina sare si doar dupa varsta de 1 an.
I prepared for you some delicious chips, so flavored and totally addictive :) Celeriac chips. A healthy and light snack that’s full of vitamins and fiber. You can serve them as a side dish as well :)
- 1 large celeriac
- 3 tbsp olive oil
- 1 tbsp onion powder
- 1 tbsp Himalayan salt
- 1 tsp dried oregano
- 1 tsp dried thyme
Peel the celeriac and cut it into sticks just like fries. Put the sticks in a bowl, add the olive oil, salt and dried herbs and combine everything with a spoon.
Then lay them on a large tray lined with baking paper, being careful not to overlap them. Bake everything for about 40-50 min, until nice and brownish. Dig in!