Am vazut pe Tik Tok si pe Pinterest aceasta reteta virala de chipsuri din paste la Airfryer si am fost tare curioasa sa le incerc si eu :) Chiar sunt CROCANTE si super misto, ca niste chipsuri/pesmeti, asa :)) Merg cu ketchup, guacamole sau orice sos va place si astfel pot fi o rontaiala de post numai buna in aceasta perioada dinainte de Paste :)
Ingrediente (2 portii):
- 125g paste (1 cana)
- 1 lg ulei de masline
- 1/4 lgt oregano
- 1/2 lgt sare, piper
Fierbem pastele conform instructiunilor de pe ambalaj pana sunt fierte bine, le scurgem apoi foarte bine intr-o sita. Eu am folosit paste penne.
Adaugam peste ele ulei de masline, sare, piper si oregano, le mozolim bine. Preincalzim Airfryerul (eu am acest model), pune pastele si le gatim la temperatura mare (200C) timp de aprox 30 min, scuturandu-le din cand in cand, pana sunt ochiometric foarte rumene :)
Atentie, daca nu le tineti suficient in Airfryer, sunt gumoase si nu chiar bune :D Recomand sa fie cat mai brune si crocante :) Rontaiala placuta! Chipsuri din paste la Airfryer. Va recomand si aceste chipsuri de pastarnac :) Alte retete la Airfryer gasiti aici.
*Reteta inspirata de aici.
I saw this viral Airfryer pasta chips on Tik Tok and Pinterest, and I was super curious to try it :) These chips are actually super crispy and yummy. They go well with ketchup, guacamole or your favorite dip and make a delicious vegan snack, especially now during the religious Easter fasting :)
Ingredients (2 servings):
- 125 g pasta (1 cup)
- 1 tbsp olive oil
- 1/4 tsp oregano
- 1/2 tsp salt, pepper
Boil the pasta according to the instructions on the package, then drain them well in a sieve. I used penne. Add olive oil, salt, pepper, oregano over the drained pasta, mix them well.
Preheat the Airfryer at 200C and cook the pasta for about 30 min, giving them plenty of couple of shakes throughout this time, to crisp evenly. DO cook them until golden brown and crispy enough, if not, they will be hard to chew :)) Enjoy!