Parca incepe sa miroasa a Craciun, nu? :) Va propun niste fursecuri festive fragede cu muuuulta ciocolata. Sunt geniale! Chocolate Crinkles de post :)
Ingrediente (24 buc):
- 100g ciocolata neagra fara zahar
- 75g ulei de cocos
- 250g faina alba
- 125g xylitol
- 1/2 lgt pudra de vanilie
- 100ml lapte de migdale
- 1 lgt praf de copt bio
- 3 lg cacao
- 30g indulcitor pudra pentru topping
Topim la bain-marie ciocolata (deasupra unui vas cu apa fierbinte), apoi o punem deoparte la racit putin. Adaugam uleiul de cocos, indulcitorul, vanilia, laptele.
Cernem faina, pudra de cacao, un praf de sare si praful de copt in acest amestec si framantam bine aluatul rezultat.
Modelam bilute de dimensiunea unor nuci, (mie mi-au iesit 24 de bucati) pe care le tavalim prin indulcitorul pudra si le coacem pentru aprox 17 min la 170 de grade, pana se crapa putin la suprafata. Pofta mare!
*Reteta inspirata de aici
It’s beginning to smell a lot like Christmas, don’t you think? :) I have for you some festive, tender, chocolaty cookies. They’re so great! Vegan chocolate crinkles.
Ingredients (24 pcs):
- 100 g sugar free dark chocolate
- 75 g coconut oil
- 250 g plain flour
- 125 g xylitol (or favorite sweetener)
- 1/2 tsp vanilla powder
- 100 ml almond milk
- 1 tsp organic baking powder
- 3 tbsp cocoa
- 30 g powdered sweetener for the topping
Melt the chocolate over a pot of hot water, then set aside. Add the sweetener, almond milk, coconut oil and vanilla, whisk well. In this mixture sift in the flour, cocoa, baking powder and a pinch of salt.
Knead well the dough and form small balls the size of walnuts (I got 24 pics) that you roll in powdered sweetener. Bake the for about 17 min at 170 C, until the surface cracks a little. Enjoy!