Ciocolata calda la borcan. Am pentru voi cea mai draguta idee de cadou DIY de Mos Nicolae sau Mos Craciun! Amestec pentru ciocolata calda la borcan, il puteti personaliza cum doriti; eu de exemplu am folosit lapte praf degresat (dar puteti folosi lapte praf de cocos), o cacao buna, indulcitor natural brun, picaturi de ciocolata fara zahar, chiar si bezelele le puteti face voi fara zahar (am 2 retete, aici si aici) sau le puteti cumpara de aici :) Si ziceti voi de nu arata absolut superb un astfel de borcanas? Eu una sunt topita :)

Ingrediente (2 portii):

Punem usor si cu grija intr-un borcan dragut ingredientele in straturi: laptele praf, pudra de cacao, indulcitorul, vanilia, picaturile de ciocolata si bezelele taiate bucatele mici. Punem capacul, legam borcanul cu o funda si il oferim cadou celor dragi :)

Pentru servire: se pune jumatate din borcan intr-o cana, se toarna apa fierbinte si se amesteca bine. Ies asadar 2 portii de ciocolata calda din acest borcan. Ho ho oho! Ciocolata calda la borcan.

*Folosind lapte praf de cocos, ciocolata amaruie si omitand bezelele, transformati bautura intr-una de post :)

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I’ve got the cutest Saint Nicolas or Christmas DIY gift idea for you! Mason jar hot cocoa mix! You can personalize it as you wish, I used: low fat powdered milk (you can use coconut milk powder), good cocoa, brown natural sweetener, sugar free chocolate chips, you can even make the marshmallows yourself (I’ve got 2 recipes, here and here) or you can buy them :) And don’t you think this jar is just gorgeous?

Ingredients (2 servings):

  • 4 tbsp powdered milk, low fat (or powdered coconut milk)
  • 3 tbsp cocoa
  • 4 tbsp natural brown sweetener
  • 4 tbsp sugar free chocolate chips
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla powder
  • 4 tbsp sugar free marshmallows
  • 1 cute 300ml mason jar
  • ribbons, stickers etc

Carefully put in the cute jar the ingredient layers: powdered milk, cocoa, sweetener, vanilla powder, chocolate chips and marshmallows cut into tiny pieces. Put the lid on, wrap with a cute ribbon and offer to your loved ones :)

To serve: put half of the jar mix in a cup, add boiling water and stir well. This jar makes 2 servings. Ho hoho! :) *Using powdered coconut milk, dark chocolate and skipping the marshmallows make this drink vegan ;)

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